Calvary Chapel Kommetjie is a fellowship of believers where an emphasis is given to challenging lives to change through studying the Word of God, worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth, and sharing the love of Jesus Christ with one another and others. Our supreme desire is to know Christ and to be conformed to His image by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our Main meetings at the Church Bldg are:
1. Sun Morning 9.30am (incl. Sun school etc);
2. Wed Midweek 7pm (Worship, Bible Study with Child care);
3. Fri. Youth (During the School terms) Jnr. Youth 5.30-7pm (Grade 6 and under); Snr. Youth is 7.30-10.30pm (Gr.7 and above);
4. Ladies Morning Bible Study is 9.30am;
5. Moms and Tots Tues. 3pm.
All most welcome!