Our Writers

The Butterfly Foundation, Sam and Me & the Hard Pear Tree and Jami Yeats-Kastner

I was ... mesmerised by the power of Jami's writing and personality and drawn by her compelling story. Sam and Me & the Hard Pear Tree is definitely on my reading list.

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Author Maire Fisher of Fish Hoek publishes Birdseye, her first novel

Talented writer, Maire Fisher of Fish Hoek, has recently published her first novel, Birdseye. Residents of the southern peninsula will identify with the setting in the book, a real-page turner that had me reading deep into the night.

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Noordhoek author and journalist Melissa Siebert launches her first novel ‘Garden of Dreams’

Garden of Dreams (Penguin SA, June 2014) is long-time Noordhoek resident Melissa Siebert’s first novel, but she’s been a journalist for decades – here in South Africa, in the US (she’s from Boston) and in the Middle East. She first […]

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Mea Lashbrooke writes about the legend of the Princess living in Elephant’s Eye Cave on Constantiaberg

“Hundreds of years ago a woman lived in Elephant’s Eye Cave on Constantiaberg. She bathed in Princess Vlei and her endless tears that flowed down the mountain formed Little Princess Vlei.”

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Entries open for third Imbewu Trust SCrIBE Scriptwriting Competition

For SCrIBE 2014, Imbewu is looking for new works of outstanding quality, original content and which represent the range of the South African theatre landscape.

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Author Michéle Rowe speaks at Fish Hoek Library Literary Tea about writing ‘What Hidden Lies’

Author Michéle Rowe, whose debut novel What Hidden Lies was the winner of the 2011 Crime Writers’ Association Debut Dagger Award, was the final speaker for 2013 at the Fish Hoek Library Literary Tea.

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