The Fish Hoek Valley Museum displays the history of the area from the San to the present day. Illustrated local history talks, schools programmes and research material are also available.
The Fish Hoek Valley Museum displays the history of the area from the San to the present day. Illustrated local history talks, schools programmes and research material are also available.
Housed in Amlay House, King George Way, Simon’s Town, the Heritage Museum was set up in 1998. The Amlays were the last residents to be forcibly moved from their home in Simon’s Town as a result of the Group Areas Read More →
The South African Naval Museum is located in the historic precinct of the Simon’s Town’s Navy dockyard. It is open to the public, but visiting hours vary depending on the time of year.
Exhibitions at the SIMON’S TOWN MUSEUM include:The People of Simon’s Town; Early History of Simon’s Bay;The Boer Prisoner-of-War Camp….
Over 10 000 visitors from more than 40 countries have visited the SAS Assegaai in the short time that it has been moored between the Navy Harbour and Simon’s town Yatch Club. Going on board a working submarine, Read More →
Cecil John Rhodes owned and died in this cottage in Muizenberg at the age of 48 years in March, 1902. It was established as a museum in 1953 and since 1999 the Society has kept it open daily to the Read More →