Promoting community resilience and self reliance for the coming changes. The Transition Town Initiative encourages a GO LOCAL, PRO-ACTIVE, COMMUNITY attitude as one of the best solutions for `dealing with future pressures. 

It’s about re-learning, community by community, how to regain local control over the basic necessities of life; food, water, housing, health, transport and so on.  The idea is to rebuild local resilience – which has been eroded by centralisation and globalisation. Too many of us have become passive consumers.
The TT initiative creates a network of support that encourages us not to wait for government or technology to solve our problems. TT is about being wise and conservative in our use of resources, about planning for the transition to more local and less energy-intense lifestyles, and perhaps above all it’s about rekindling – or in some cases creating from scratch – a real sense of community so that we can build an equitable, tolerant, caring, productive culture that REALLY supports all its members.  For more information go to