Girl Guides is 102 years old, and it is alive and well in Fish Hoek! Catering from 4½ year olds till adults, girls and women are divided into the following branches:
- Teddies (4½ to 7 year old)
- Brownies (7 till 10 year old)
- Guides (10 till 14 year old)
- Rangers (14 till 25 year old)
- Trefoil Guild (adult)
Each branch provides an age appropriate programme aimed to equip and empower girls and women through FUN activities: for example outdoor adventures such as camps and hikes, games, creative activities, community involvement, environmental awareness and leadership training. The Guides and Rangers are involved in the Kontiki competition annually, in which a themed raft has to be built and lived in on Sandvlei. Opportunities exist for regional, national and international involvement.
The movement is run by volunteers, which keeps costs involved low. There are various fundraising activities per year to keep this viable. As with all youth organisations, some level of parental involvement is not mandatory, but desirable.
For further information contact Michelle Thomson