Codependents Anonymous meets at various places across the peninsula and offers support to anyone who has the desire for healthier relationships. Most people attending have some connection to addicts/ alcoholics or have grown up in households where mental illness/ dysfunction has been present. Due to this conditioning, a pattern is set up whereby the codependent unconsciously tries to control, rescue, fix others’ lives. This can create havoc in their own lives as they lose focus of their current reality.  Coda offers a way out of living in this way and can be extremely supportive to those who attend.

Support groups for Codependents.
Codependents Anonymous is a 12 step fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is recovery from codependence and the development and maintenance of healthy relationships. When battling with maintaining healthy boundaries, fixing others’ problems and losing focus of your own needs, CODA can support you and guide you to alternative ways of handing all your relationships (partners, bosses, children, friends etc). CODA can be extremely supportive for those who have the desire for healthier relationships and for those affected by addiction/ mental illness and other such stressors.
One of the CODA meetings in the area meets at the False Bay Rendezvous, 57 Promenade Rd, Muizenberg (the old Lakeside Bowling Club) on Saturdays 10:00 til 11:00.  Call  for more information. View for more info on other local meetings.
Coda is a non profit organization supported by the voluntary contributions of attending members.