Baby Safe was birthed out of the recognition that nothing was being done to combat baby dumping in Cape Town. The organisation is available to intervene with abandoned infants found anywhere and its our desire is to help women who may find themselves in desperate circumstances.

One of the consequences of the poverty in the Fish Hoek Valley is that newborn babies are literally being thrown away. Baby Safe is a legal, 24-7 drop off point King of Kings Baptist Centre (opp. Longbeach Mall) where mothers can anonymously leave their infants if they are not comfortable coming forward to discuss their situation. But it’s our aim to connect with at-risk pregnant women before they come to such a point.

We offer counselling-related services and resources for the expectant mother and brand new mom. Baby Safe is also building a network of safes in areas of need throughout Cape Town and South Africa. Interested parties please see our website or visit us at King of Kings Baptist Centre (opp. Longbeach Mall), Fish Hoek.