The AIMS Public Lecture Series presents a talk: “Gravity waves detected from the Big Bang”

Abstract: The BICEP team announced on 17 March 2014 an amazing discovery of gravitational waves in the fabric of space time left over from the first tiny fraction of a second after the Big Bang. This is also the smoking gun for inflation – an elusive theory which explains the properties of our universe but which has so far resisted conclusive testing.

Would you like to find out more about this amazing discovery? The Cosmology Group at AIMS-SA led by Prof Bruce Bassett (AIMS/SAAO/UCT) will give an insight into the findings and what this means in terms of our understanding of the start of the universe.

By the Cosmology Group at the AIMS-SA Research Centre (

Date: Tuesday 25 March 2014
Time: 18:45 for 19:00
Venue: African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 6 Melrose Road, Muizenberg
Cost: Free

Below are some news links about this exciting discovery: