Mbu Maloni: Never will ever kill me (UKZN press, R 130)
In this moving tale of his life, Mbu recounts his childhood growing up in the shacks of some of the poorest townships in the Eastern and Western Cape; the battle to survive hunger, neglect and sleeping on the streets and his search for dignity in a world of alcohol, drugs, crime and few positive role models.
Mbu’s story is the story of countless other young men and women in South Africa, born into similar situations of hardship, growing up abandoned or neglected by parents themselves in need of parenting. What makes his story different is that it is a journey not of despair but transformation, lit by the kindness of friends and strangers, and Mbu’s own determination not to stop hoping for a better life.
On this evening, Mbu will not read only from his published book (2011), but also from one of his new short stories. He is accompanied by his friend Yamkela Dangisa (also mentioned in the book) who plays the keyboard and sings songs he has composed himself. Both young men are introduced by Mbu’s mentor and “older brother”, the writer Sonwabiso Ngcowa.
The evening is organized in cooperation with Mbu’s publisher UKZN press who sponsors the catering and with FunDza who has published his latest stories on their website.
WHEN: Thursday, 24 of October, 17.30 for 18.00 hrs
AT: BOOK LOUNGE, 71 Roeland Street, Cape Town
Please reserve your seat via: BOOK LOUNGE – email: phone: 021 – 5
See also https://scenicsouth.co.za//2012/01/the-big-issue-interviews-author-mbu-maloni-of-masiphumelele/