Kalk Bay Books is delighted to present
Oom Schalk, From the Heart
a selection of Herman Charles Bosman’s
best Oom Schalk Lourens tales
Oom Schalk, From the Heart
a selection of Herman Charles Bosman’s
best Oom Schalk Lourens tales
with David Muller
Date: Wednesday 23rd October
Time: 19:00 for 19:30
Place: Kalk Bay Books, 124 Main Road Kalk Bay
Tickets cost R80
Tickets cost R80
Wine, juice and snacks will be for sale
There are 3 ways to get your ticket:
1. The retro way – simply come into the shop to buy your ticket
2. Call us with your credit card details, and we will give you your ticket number over the phone
3. EFT: email us at . We will reply with your ticket numbers, payment reference and our banking details. IMPORTANT: Please do not make any payment before you have your ticket number.
We look forward to seeing you!