The third in a series of educational Junior Historian Workshops will be held on Saturday 12 October 2013 from 14h00 to 17h00 in Kalk Bay.
The workshop is designed in the form of a historical hunt for children ages 7-14 with a view to assisting them to appreciate the architectural significance of historical places, buildings and related aspects. The event will focus on the fishing industry ie the harbour, the main fish species, fishing boats, The Outspan, the Money Tree and fishermen cottages.
The event will culminate in a clamber aboard a fishing boat and a group photograph .

Educational outing to Kalk Bay harbour. Photo submitter by Alan Lindner
Participants must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, preferably with a smart phone for Tweet and FaceBook purposes. Bring a digital camera if you have.
A pen, pencil and a pocket notebook are required.
Fee: Children – R10-00; parents – R20-00.
To register, please e mail the organisers, A Whale Of A Heritage Route at or call or sms .
Your community group, name, suburb, cell number and e mail are required on registration.
The venue (start/finish) for the workshop will be given on registration.
Participate at own risk.
Invitation extended by:
Alan Lindner
Project Manager
Whale Watch Hotline: (powered by Barons)