The public are invited to join the Fish Hoek Valley Historical Association at their monthly talk which will feature a presentation on Chevrolet’s Centenary by the joint MD of Thorp Auto, Nicky Thorp.
The Chevrolet Motor Company of Michigan was formed in 1909 by William C Durant and Swiss national Louis Chevrolet, a successful racing driver. Chevrolet sent its first representative to SA in 1915 having started manufacturing in 1911 and distributing in 1912. In 1918 Chevrolet became part of General Motors Corporation.
When: Thursday 14 November 2013 at 17h45 for 18h00 till 19h00.
Where: Library Hall, Civic Centre, Central Circle, Fish Hoek.
What to bring to brag about: Any Chevrolet memorabilia, Chevrolet cars included.
Cost: Association Members R5-00; non-members, teachers and parents R10 – 00. School children free.
Beverages and treats: Complimentary eats and beverages will be available courtesy the Blue Gecko Restaurant (Kosher and Halaal are catered for too).
For further information on this event please call Clive Stadler on or e mail