Mayibuye iAfrika (Afrika Arise!) is the theme of this year’s Summer Celebration Concert in the City Hall on Sunday 8 December.
The Cape Town Male Voice Choir and the Cenestra Male Choir from Erkhuhuleni in Gauteng will come together to recreate the vibrant performances that brought the London audience to their feet in a standing ovation at the Royal Festival Hall – a choir of 85 male singers ready to raise the roof of the City Hall!
These two choirs were invited by the London Welsh Male Voice Choir to represent Africa during the cultural activities in the run-up to the 2012 Olympic Games.
On the programme will be such diverse items such as John Rutter’s arrangement of When the Saints, Sibelius’ Finlandia (sung in Welsh); Shosholoza; a medley from Showboat with the CTMVC’s newly discovered bass soloist, Thabile Gxwalintloko, singing Ol’ Man River.
Also on the programme will be local composer. Grant McLachlan’s Christmas song, Come Colours Rise, and his exciting Africa South, especially arranged for the London concert and which brought the audience to its feet. In it you will hear traditional and popular African songs and dancing and even experience a realistic choral thunder storm!
Be prepared to be overawed by this explosion of talent led by the two musical directors, Margaret Barlow and Themba Madlopha.
Performances are at 3pm and 7pm.
Tickets R80
Phone: – Garth; – Andy
Email: ;
In support of the Children’s Hospital Trust, fundraising for The Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital and Paediatric Healthcare in the Western Cape.
Please bring an unwrapped gift for a needy child.