Below My Feet is an exciting fusion of different dance styles, music and multi media. Following its great success at the National Arts Festival, the show will be performed at Kalk Bay Theatre from 11 to 15 September at 8pm.
Performed by a cast of six dancers, it combines modern jazz, contemporary, tap and hip-hop dance, with an arresting variety of music, film and photography. By working across these various mediums the audience is encouraged to take at least one thing away with them, whether it is a piece of choreography, line of music or an image projected.
The piece attempts to ask the audience the question, “How much do you know about the person next to you?”
Press comments have included:
“Emotive and Honest…..Breathtaking Choreography” – Cue 2012/2013
“Personal and Universal…. Perfect Timing” – Cape Argus 2013
Below My Feet is performed by Meagan Miller, Kayla Gatley-Dewing, Ami-Rose Barber, Amelia Baldwin, Ciara Baldwin, Luke Brown. Choreography is by Ciara Baldwin, Megan Black and Kerry Domoney. Cinematography is directed by Jack Shaper and captured by Robyn Skead. The show is directed and produced by Ciara Baldwin and Luke Brown.
Below My Feet will be performed at 8pm from 11 to 15 September. Doors open at 6.30pm and seating is unreserved. Tickets cost R75 and R60 for the limited Gallery seats upstairs.
Bookings can be made on
Guests can enjoy Funki Chef’s Meal of the Day before or after the show. Contact Hannah on / for details.
See also https://scenicsouth.co.za//2013/09/below-my-feet-a-fabulous-show-at-kalk-bay-theatre-performed-by-talented-young-local-artists/
Below My Feet is ‘n opwindende opvoering waarin verskillende dansstyle, musiek en multimedia ineengevleg word. Die produksie, wat groot welslae by die Nasionale Kunstefees in Grahamstad geniet het, word van 11 tot 15 September om 20:00 by die Kalkbaai-teater opgevoer.
Die ses dansers wat in my Below My Feet optree, kombineer moderne jazz-, kontemporêre, klop- en hip-hop-danse, gesteun deur ‘n verbysterende verskeidenheid musiek, film en fotografie. Die verskillende media wat in die opvoering aangewend word, moedig die gehoor aan om minstens een ding saam met hulle huis toe te neem, hetsy dit ‘n choreografeerde beweging, ‘n musiekrefrein of geprojekteerde beeld is.
Die opvoering vra die gehoor die vraag af: “Hoeveel weet jy van die persoon langs jou?”
Perskommentaar sluit in:
“Emotive and Honest …Breathtaking Choreography” – Cue 2012/2013
“Personal and Universal … Perfect Timing” – Cape Argus 2013
Below My Feet word opgevoer deur Meagan Miller, Kayla Gatley-Dewing, Ami-Rose Barber, Amelia Baldwin, Ciara Baldwin en Luke Brown. Choreografie is deur Ciara Baldwin, Megan Black en Kerry Domoney. Kinematografie is geregisseer deur Jack Shaper en vasgelê deur Robyn Skead. Die opvoering word aangebied deur en staan onder regie van Ciara Baldwin en Luke Brown.
Below My Feet word om 20:00 van 11 tot 15 September 2013 opgevoer. Deure open om 18:30 en sitplekke is ongereserveerd. Kaartjies kos R75 terwyl die beperkte Galery-sitplekke op die boonste verdieping R60 kos.
Besprekings kan gedoen word by
Gaste kan Funki Chef se Meal of the Day voor of ná die vertoning geniet. Kontak Hannah by 072 / vir besonderhede.