Zandvlei Trust
Click below to read chairman’s report for December 2010:
The Zandvlei Trust looks after Zandvlei and its surrounding wetlands. It monitors the catchment from the source of its rivers, through Lakeside and Retreat, where they flow into the wetlands and estuary and out under the vehicular bridge at Muizenberg into the sea. Our dedicated Task Teams of volunteers are instrumental in sustaining this valuable piece of real estate, finding innovative ways to improve the quality of the fauna and flora for the benefit of all.
The Environmental Education Team encourages local schools to take an interest in Zandvlei and although Cherry Giljam and Sharon McCallum are two stalwarts facilitating this Team there is always room for more volunteers.
Zandvlei Inventory and Monitoring Programme finds Robin and Pat Burnett hard at work documenting plants around the vlei, often finding new indigenous ones blooming along their walks of research. Give them a call to offer your help in protecting these endangered species.
Notice the pretty flowers opposite the Lakeside Spar? Why not meet opp. Lakeside Fire Station, Main Rd every 3rd Sat at 2pm for the Westlake Wetlands Walkway Garden Cleanup and keep those flowers smiling. Call Una Hartley .
BOSSIES: call Neil Major on or to find out how you can improve your biodiversity footprint by planting only local fynbos in your garden or help green your sidewalks – and save water.
Friends of Bokmakierie and Grysbok Parks, Muizenberg East: Help clear invasive vegetation and litter. Join Leif Petersen or Bowen Boshier
Paddle up one of the waterways making up Westlake wetlands to see what John Fowkes and his team have done in preventing the aliens from damming up the water flow into the Vlei. You’ll be surprised at what a few empty plastic Coke bottles can do. A great way to do some birding too.
A small group of members remove exotic invasive vegetation from the Greater Zandvlei Estuary Reserve areas every 2nd Sat of the month. Ph Gavin Lawson .
Paper and Glass Recycling Igloos on the Main Rd, Lakeside. Ph Una Hartley and Freecycle Cape Town, another excellent recycling activity.
Jungle Theatre Company (JTC)
Jungle Theatre Company’s (JTC) vision is of a society that is environmentally, socially and culturally conscious and active. JTC use live performance and workshops as a vehicle for conveying key environmental and social issues, offering alternatives to effect change and positive behaviour patterns. A small and dynamic organization based in Muizenberg, JTC recruits and trains young artists and emerging professionals from historically disadvantaged communities and community theatre groups. JTC works closely with other organisations to promote community participation in events and programmes.
JTC was formed as a club in 1995 by Artistic Director Vincent Meyburgh and was registered as a Non-Profit Organisation in 2004. Over the years JTC has created shows about a range of animal conservation and environmental issues and has toured around the Cape Town metropolitan area, Western Cape and Soweto as well as the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown.
Current JTC projects include:
Shark Dreams about beach ocean and shark safety, which was recently rolled out to schools in Mitchell’s Plain and Athlone as part of Marine Week.
Father Sun which has toured to 17 schools as part of a City of Cape Town Disaster Risk Management Department education drive about the effects of climate change.
Indlovu People about elephants and their habitats has been selected for the Out The Box festival in March 2010.
JTC is recruiting 10 trainees towards the end of this year for a two year National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund funded training programme.
Key environmental and cultural organisations that JTC has worked with include: Abalimi Bezekhaya, City of Cape Town Environmental Resource Management Department, eMzantsi (Harlequin Foundation) International Fund for Animal Welfare, Out The Box festival, Save Our Seas Shark Centre, Table Mountain National Park