Free the Planet and Her People!
Given the environmental justice threats currently facing Cape Town, not least of which are the proposed additional nuclear developments at Koeberg, more proposed landfill gas to electricity, more landfills, the desperate need for decent work and Green jobs, and the need for increased information sharing with all, added to the ongoing chemical poisoning of farm workers and the general population, existing and new members of Earthlife Africa (ELA) are rallying round, in response to cries for help from various quarters in Cape Town.
“The power of a movement lies in the fact that it can indeed change the habits of people. This change is not the result of force but of dedication, of moral persuasion.” (anon)
Earthlife Africa, South Africa’s longest standing and leading environmental justice NGO (founded in 1988), has a proud history of being of service to all in South Africa and globally, and have been successful in areas that include anti-Waste and pro-Zero Waste; anti-Nuclear but pro- Renewable Energy; anti-Toxic Chemicals and pro-Green chemistry; anti-Genetically Modified Food and pro- Organic Food; and many other areas, of concern to many. As an organisation with unimpeachable integrity, and founded on principles of equality, justice, equity and genuine sustainability, it is heard and respected by all stakeholders, including government and business.
The principles outlined below are binding on all members of the branch, but individual members remain free to associate themselves with the political, spiritual or philosophical orientation of their choice.
a) Reverence for the Earth: developing an attitude and behaviour, which is respectful of, and nurturing towards the environment in all its diversity.
b) Grassroots Democracy: equal and active participation by all in decision making and mutual responsibility for implementation in all human and environmental relations.
c) Rejection of Discrimination: ELA rejects all forms of discrimination.
d) Solidarity: Solidarity and co-operation with people struggling against oppression and exploitation particularly through democratically organised representative organisations.
e) Non-Violence: promoting peaceful solutions to conflict.
f) Ending Exploitation: fundamentally rejecting abusive power relations.
g) Freeing of Human Potential: encouragement of spiritual development, personal and social growth and the freeing of human potential.
If this speaks to your heart, then be a part of a sustainable future, and do something worthwhile! Remember for evil to succeed, all it takes is for good people to do nothing!
(Interim Co-ordinator – Muna Lakhani; Interim Secretary / Treasurer – Gray Maguire; and Interim Communications – Janda McDonald)
Please send your filled in membership form to or send a printed and filled in copy to: ELA CT, PO Box 13828 Mowbray 7705
Earthlife Africa Cape Town branch
Membership Form
Please complete – we will NOT pass details on to others.
First name/s.
Postal Address:
Postal Code .
Suburb / area you live in:
Email: Cell:
Telephone: Fax:
Interests: Please mark your areas of interest:
- energy (including renewables, anti-nuclear, etc)
- water
- waste and pollution
- toxics and chemicals
- genetic engineering and food
- sustainable community
- systemic issues – climate change; green economy; etc
Others: please list:
Skills: please provide details of any special skills, knowledge or networks that you can bring to the group:
Membership (only open to individuals) R60 waged / R20 unwaged and students
(Please note: membership fees have been waived for the interim, but will be implemented at a later stage)
Signature: ………………………………. Date……………………
(sending the filled in form by email is seen as a e-signature)