Featuring Transport and Traffic Services in Fish Hoek, Muizenberg, Simon’s Town, Kalk Bay, St James, Kommetjie, Noordhoek, Ocean View, Masiphumelele, Glencairn and Clovelly
Train Service
Call the MetroRail toll free Info number for train schedules 0800 65 64 63 (all hours). It is advisable to travel within peak hours and not to carry valuables.
MetroRail toll free crime number is 081 (all hours)
For the weekly timetable of trains running on the Simon’s Town to Cape Town line click onto https://scenicsouth.co.za//wp-content/uploads/2010/12/simonstown_up.pdf
For the weekly timetable of trains running on the Cape Town to Simon’s Town line click onto
Report incidents that cause traffic congestion to the Traffic Management Centre (TMC
Members of the public who witness an incident affecting traffic flow are asked to contact the TMC. The TMC is manned 24 hours/day and has instant access to all the emergency services. Their telephone number is 021 812 4583.
Info re: Rehabilitation of Main Road M/Berg to Clovelly
Note the Civils2000 contacts for assistance during emergency situations related to the road works are different for Phase 1 and Phase 2:
Phase 1 (from Muizenberg to Leighton Road, St James):
Chris Ford – Cell: / After Hours :
Morne Blokdyk – Cell:
Phase 2 (from Leighton Road to Kalk Bay Harbour entrance):
Alan Espey – Cell:
Oloff Bergh- Cell:
Traffic Learner’s and Driver’s Licences
The new drivers licence test facility in Fish Hoek, Central Circle, is in operation. The contact numbers for Fish Hoek Drivers Licence Testing Centre are: ; ; and .