Our Business personalities

Muizenberg rides the waves

Zizag has published a fabulous article by Andy Davis about surfing at Muizenberg which weaves sketches of well-known members of the local surfing and business fraternity into the history of Muizenberg ....

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Mega-hugs from Noordhoek, brainchild of Meg Stevens

"As much as I wanted to create a means to deliver the joy of a comforting cuddle in a Mega-hug to all, I also dreamed of it becoming a means to provide work and dignity to local unemployed folk needing decent wages here in Cape Town ..."

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David Parry-Davies – the man behind the Enviropaedia.

David Parry-Davies is the publishing editor of the Enviropaedia, South Africa’s leading Environmental Encyclopaedia. He has a special combination of soul, skills and business sense, which he has used successfully to produce the Enviropaedia a valuable bridge between business and […]

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Ndileka Biyo of Masiphumelele – seamtress supreme

This month we celebrated Women’s Day and so we would like to introduce to you women in our area who stand out like “tall poppies”. The term, coined (I think) by Clem Sunter, does not refer well-built “Barbies” but to […]

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Eulogy to Clive Wakeford aka ‘Mr Fish Hoek’

A tribute by his son Jeremy  to a man who meant much to many in the Fish Hoek community On behalf of Lindsay, Angela, Michael, and all our family and friends, it is a great honour to share some highlights of […]

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