Nature encounters

Spotted Eagle Owl in Clovelly

There she was, a Spotted Eagle Owl, gold eyes wide with reproach for my disturbance of the morning peace. Seeing one so close gave me a real thrill and I rushed off to find out where to get an owl nesting box so that I could invite her to stay. For information and nest box construction plans read more...

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Watched by Whales – off Simon’s Town

While heading toward Windmill Beach the same three whales suddenly appeared in front of us - almost as if they had been waiting for us to catch up. One ‘chased’ after the lead paddler who immediately paddled back to join the group while the other two whales made their presence known by surfacing close by and gently `herding' us. “Is this what it is like to be in a bait ball?” someone asked. For those of you who shared this special encounter or anyone who has had a similar experience: What do you think? Please comment and share your understanding or feelings about encounters with whales.

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Ode to the Shark Angels

An Excerpt from the poem Shark Angels by Cpt. P Watson tells the story of the plight of all the oceans sharks and work of conservationists, the SHARK ANGELS,who try to bring a new perspective, one of understanding, respecting and acknowledging the role of sharks in the ecosystem. "Five hundred species of wondrous diversity Surviving in conditions of great adversity, So many niches they have filled, Yet so many of them has mankind killed."

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Plumb Crazy – A Snake in my S-Bend

s bend snake Nov 12 2009 gFinding a live snake in the toilet wastewater pipe during recent bathroom renovations puts just-in-time-technology into a whole new light for me.

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