Nature encounters

Wild`Oliver’ the Bonsai Peace Tree of Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden.

In the tradition of Olive Trees internationally, a special Wild Olive Tree was exhibited at Kirstenbosch in 1994 as the Peace Tree to commemorate President Mandela’s inauguration. It is still there and has an inspiring story....

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Colossal Storm, giant swell headed for the Cape Town Coast!

"Colossal because this frikken thing is about the size of southern Africa up to the equator". Giant swells from "The advance guard hammer on the castle door from Sunday morning..."

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Leopard Toad Tales & Toads on Roads.

The someone leopard crawling past our bed was a Toad! Must have taken a wrong turn on his way to the Silvermine River. August is Leopard Toad breeding season – Toads on Roads time. Please Drive with care.

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Kayak with Dolphins off Boulder’s Beach Simon’s Town

The water was so translucent I could see dolphins six deep beneath my kayak. They twirled around each other in an effortless dance with that happy expression that they have, smiling and curious, so powerful and graceful I could not imagine anything more beautiful.

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TMNP plants Indigenous Shade Trees at Tokai Pine Plantation

Table Mountain National Park’s second public indigenous Tree Planting Day in the Lower Tokai Pine plantation was a huge success. People from a range of interest groups energetically planted 150 indigenous trees in for the new shaded walk and cycle track in Tokai.

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A Still Life at Toad Hall

I had to marvel at the simple description as he explained that the toad was still, but alive – a still life. How privileged we have been to share our home with a Leopard Toad.

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