Diving with an Otter off Miller’s Point
Went on a dive to test my new camera ….when all of a sudden something was pressing on my shoulder...pushing down with two little hands was an otter.
Nature encountersWent on a dive to test my new camera ….when all of a sudden something was pressing on my shoulder...pushing down with two little hands was an otter.
Nature encountersThe Art of Falconry is the hunting of wild quarry using a trained hawk. It involves a close and complex partnership between man and a fit, free flying raptor that will allow man an intimate involvement in its life. This […]
ARTICLES, Nature encountersOur garden at our home in Fish Hoek is graced this Sunday morning (10.30 am) with the presence of a Spotted Eagle Owl sitting regally on the driveway gatepost in the shade. For the past half an hour he has […]
ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS, Nature encountersSardines trapped off shore wash up on Cape Beaches at Noordhoek and Scarborough. Adventure divers travel around the world to see similar unique marine events. See Jean Tresfon's photos.
Nature encounters, newsflashA rare visitor to our shores generated much interest after an Echo reader brought a cluster of what looked like a type of mussel attached by "stems" to a central white waxy substance, found on Fish Hoek beach on Thursday November 3. The reader said he hadbeen walking on the beaches for 50 years and never seen one.
Enviro News, ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS, Nature encounters, UncategorizedIt felt like a benediction. We laughed with joy – it is not every day that one stands in the entrance of a shopping centre with a wild bird on the head!
ARTICLES, Nature encounters