Hands on for positive action

Support Desmond Tutu’s petition to Zuma & the Nigerian President against the withdrawal of Africa from the ICC

Desmond Tutu, via Avaaz, is calling on us all to sign his petition to the presidents of South Africa and Nigeria to “to speak out in favour of the ICC at the extraordinary Summit of the African Union (AU) when […]

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Jo-Anne Smetherham, Eric Miller & two Khayalitsha GAPA grannies on US tour to promote “THE NEVERGIVEUPS”

Scenic South writer and award-winning journalist, Jo-Anne Smetherham, and renowned photographer Eric Miller as well as two Khayalitsha grannies from GAPA are currently in America to launch their book , “THE NEVERGIVEUPS".

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National Clean-Up Week activity on Fish Hoek beach with WESSA

National Clean-Up Week activity on Fish Hoek beach You’re invited to join WESSA’s National Coastal Programme Manager, Ted Knott, and our interns at Fish Hoek beach at 2pm on Wednesday 18 September, for a clean-up to mark National Clean-Up Week. […]

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Cart Horse Protection Association (CHPA) in Cape Town needs your assistance

" Our mission is to protect working cart horses and donkeys from abuse, and contribute to the social upliftment of our Cape Flats carting community."

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An urgent appeal from Cape of Good Hope SPCA for support for badly injured rescued horse

Ex race-horse Fantasia has been given care and comfort by the Cape of Good Hope SPCA after being found in an horrendous condition in a township

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Create Christmas magic for orphaned and vulnerable children with Operation Shoebox!

Would you like to bring Christmas joy to an orphaned or vulnerable child?

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