Hands on for positive action

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The South African United Fishing Forum invited by Holy Trinity Church, Kalk Bay, to discuss fishing rights crisis at public meeting Wed 12 Feb

“Our fishing community and the wider Kalk Bay will be seriously hurt by the outcome and it will bring all sorts of pressure to our community. If the crisis is not resolved, then fish will become a scarce commodity and children will be deprived of an important source of protein..."

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Fish Hoek Valley Ratepayers & Residents Association: Feb Newsletter & Micro-Minutes

The FHVRRA: "The work we do affects everyone – planning issues, roads and transport, amenities such as sports fields, parks, the beach, the library, input on policies the City draft every year which affect us all, rates issues and the many environmental issues."

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Launch of the Restore the Roodeberg Campaign in the Scenic South Peninsula

The Table Mountain Fund, SANParks and WWF have teamed up to raise funds to purchase two privately owned properties on Roodeberg in the Scenic South Peninsula for inclusion in the Table Mountain National Park, a World Heritage Site. The Roodeberg […]

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Silvermine Wetlands and My Dog owners

It would be a great pity if all dogs were to be banned from the Wetlands because of this, as the My Dogs all have such fun down there, and many Grannies and Grandpas enjoy taking their My Dogs for walks when they have no-one else to walk with.

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With Madiba Magic we can BUILD-A-CLASS and BUILD-A- FUTURE!

With Madiba Magic we can BUILD-A-CLASS and BUILD-A- FUTURE!

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Wheat Trust’s ‘I Give Hope’ Campaign empowers South African women: how you can help

As we celebrate the life of Madiba and say good bye to our Leader we are reminded of his belief that HOPE is a powerful weapon, which no one power on earth can deprive you.

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