Green living

Vuka Energy Savings Wonderboxes at the Stanford Street Market 14th December 2014

Meet the makers of the Vuka Wonderboxes and StayCool Neckbands, Henry de Jager and Lydia Barends, from Stanford South.

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The Vuka Energy Savings Project started in Stanford has a ripple effect on surrounding areas

"The Vuka Energy Savings Project centred in Stanford is relevant to every household in times of electricity outages, is practical and ‘do’-able and can be started immediately...."

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City of Cape Town launches its Residential Solar Water Heater Accreditation Programme

‘Using a solar water heater is the way of the future. We know that the time has come to prioritise the reduction of our energy usage..."

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Mary Honeybun comes close second to Margaret Roestorf of SANCCOB at ECO-LOGIC Award ceremony

“The entries this year were of a very high quality and it was a tough judging process to decide on a winner for each category."

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Children from High Cloud Pre-primary have ‘a blast’ at Green Guerrilla farm

“The children are radiant towards nature, they seem to connect more than adults,” says Akim. “These little people had a blast, and now they know where bacon, milk and the KFC zinger comes from!”

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New Look at Veggies: Plant Tops and Sprouts.

An unexpected & fun outcome of the Soil for Life gardening course was discovering sprouts and that many vegetable tops are also edible. Windowsill gardening ...

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