Enviro News

Invasive wasps – European paper wasp and German wasp or yellow-jacket – help the City monitor their spread

Two highly invasive wasp species are expanding their range throughout Cape Town and the Western Cape. The City and its partners are calling on the public to help identify and report new colonies.

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Enrichment workshops for Science teachers at the Cape Town Science Centre

In the spirit of building a community of science teachers, the Cape Town Science Centre is offering any teacher that attends a Teacher Enrichment Workshop or visits with a school group an annual CTSC Teachers Pass, allowing unlimited access to the CTSC for the year!

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Images of sharks and kayakers sharing the placid waters of False Bay this week

False Bay is clear and calm and balmy at the moment, drawing many water users into and onto it. Jean Tresfon took these photos of the sharks that have been frequenting the shores too - as calm as the ocean waters surrounding them.

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Fish Hoek Valley Ratepayers & Residents Association: Feb Newsletter & Micro-Minutes

The FHVRRA: "The work we do affects everyone – planning issues, roads and transport, amenities such as sports fields, parks, the beach, the library, input on policies the City draft every year which affect us all, rates issues and the many environmental issues."

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Launch of the Restore the Roodeberg Campaign in the Scenic South Peninsula

The Table Mountain Fund, SANParks and WWF have teamed up to raise funds to purchase two privately owned properties on Roodeberg in the Scenic South Peninsula for inclusion in the Table Mountain National Park, a World Heritage Site. The Roodeberg […]

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Images of Kirstenbosch Centenary Tree Canopy Walkway in the Arboretum, hopefully to be completed at end Feb

The Kirstenbosch Centenary Tree Canopy Walkway in the Arboretum just above the Concert Venue is well on its way to completion as you will see from these beautiful images.

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