Enviro Events

Exciting encounter with Great White shark in False Bay off the wreck of the Clan Stuart near Glencairn awes visiting Russian divers

The Russians were thrilled, having wanted to see a white shark but not having managed to plan a cage diving trip during their short visit to Cape Town, and all the divers remarked on the shark's gracefulness and beauty.

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National Clean-Up Week activity on Fish Hoek beach with WESSA

National Clean-Up Week activity on Fish Hoek beach You’re invited to join WESSA’s National Coastal Programme Manager, Ted Knott, and our interns at Fish Hoek beach at 2pm on Wednesday 18 September, for a clean-up to mark National Clean-Up Week. […]

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Wild about Whales conference at Fish Hoek High School 18 Sept

Simon Gear of Kijani Green Energy is a guest speaker at the Wild about Whales conference which will be held at Fish Hoek High School on Wed 18 Sept.

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Free talk at the Observatory: Dr. Shazrene Mohamed (SAAO) on Supercomputers and Astronomy

"Supercomputers will be essential to deal with the vast amount of data that new telescopes and surveys like the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will produce...."

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BOS Earthwave Beach Festival in Muizenberg: Guinness World Record attempt & Ocean & Beach events 19 & 20 Oct 2013

The 2013 BOS Earthwave Beach Festival in October will host attempts to set new Guinness World Records for the ‘most surfers riding the same wave’ and for ‘the longest touch rugby game’ and much more.

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Mary Honeybun of Breadtags for Wheelchairs a finalist in The Enviropaedia’s annual Eco-Logic Awards

Noordhoek’s Mary Honeybun of Breadtags for Wheelchairs has been selected as one of the finalists in the Eco-Angels category of The Enviropaedia’s annual Eco-Logic Awards. Would you like to help sponsor her ticket to the ceremony? Find out more about the finalists...

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