Enviro articles

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Silvermine Wetlands and My Dog owners

It would be a great pity if all dogs were to be banned from the Wetlands because of this, as the My Dogs all have such fun down there, and many Grannies and Grandpas enjoy taking their My Dogs for walks when they have no-one else to walk with.

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Garden in traffic circle in Fish Hoek grown by Akim Riemer of Green Guerrillas

I have watched with delight the garden growing in the traffic circle on Recreation Rd in Fish Hoek. The spinach is growing better than the carefully tended lot in my garden – mine is holey and not worth picking! So […]

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Tiger Moth (Asota speciosa) in Fish Hoek

This beautiful moth, a Tiger Moth (Asota speciosa), caught my attention on the wall of our house in Fish Hoek.

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Image of Velvet Spider dragged as prey by Spider Wasp in Fish Hoek

I was fascinated by a wasp dragging a dead-looking spider larger than itself towards what looked like a nest at our home in Fish Hoek.

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Cape Town a finalist in WWF Earth Hour City Challenge

Capetonians can now start voting to show the world why Cape Town should be named the world's most loveable sustainable city.

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Northern Giant Petrel rescued by SANCCOB volunteers at Danger Beach, St James

In almost exactly 3 years this Northern Giant Petrel had covered 2,268.68 Km!

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