About Arum Lilies and Frogs
Selling illegally harvested Arum Lilies at traffic lights is a worrying trend with regard to indigenous plants, but is not a threat to the Arum Lily Frog or the Micro Frog.
Civic News, Enviro NewsSelling illegally harvested Arum Lilies at traffic lights is a worrying trend with regard to indigenous plants, but is not a threat to the Arum Lily Frog or the Micro Frog.
Civic News, Enviro NewsThe City of CT funding keeps baboon monitors in the field in the South Peninsula. The City is, however, appealing to Cape High Court to decide what financial responsibility conservation management authorities have to toward baboon management....
Civic NewsA Great White Shark was sighted at Fish Hoek Beach on 24 August 2010 - in keeping with the trend for an increased incidence of inshore sightings during summer. The City of Cape Town warns beach users to familiarize themselves with new shark safety measures and warning procedures.
Civic News, Enviro NewsSouth Peninsula Subcouncil invites submissions for the financial year commencing July 2010 from organizations.
Civic NewsNew signs for on Cape Town’s beaches aim to increase awareness about the presence of sharks (Great White sharks in particular), and to guide beach users on the workings of Shark Spotting Programme.
Civic NewsElectricity users in CapeTown to pay on average 24% more for electricity! Look at tables to check your tariff band. It determines the rate you pay. Reduce & move to lower tariff...
Civic News, newsflash