Bookworms’ Blog

South African Flowering Trees by Rob Wood with watercolour paintings by Millicent Frean & line drawings by Sandie Burrows

South African Flowering Trees, a botanical adventure through history is more than just a field guide. The rich, anecdotal style of the text avoiding technical jargon and the perfectly detailed drawings make this a book that will be a treasured part of any collection.

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Laugh Back the Sun by Lan Reid

"When Chris Lessing, a young army officer from the Transvaal meets Joan Mercer, a pretty young woman from Simon’s Town at the beginning of the Second World War, the chemistry is spontaneous and explosive."

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Book launches at Kalk Bay Books in January

Kalk Bay Books has two book launches this month which will be of interest to Scenic South readers!

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Author Michéle Rowe speaks at Fish Hoek Library Literary Tea about writing ‘What Hidden Lies’

Author Michéle Rowe, whose debut novel What Hidden Lies was the winner of the 2011 Crime Writers’ Association Debut Dagger Award, was the final speaker for 2013 at the Fish Hoek Library Literary Tea.

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Author Joanne Hichens of Muizenberg speaks to Garth King

Reviewer Brian Joss said of Divine Justice by Joanne Hichens: "Rae Valentine (the private investigator in the novel) is a new star in South African crime writing and so is Hichens."

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Jan Meyer, highly respected dog trainer and author of A Trained Dog is a Good Dog

“I don’t train dogs, I train people. People must understand why a dog behaves the way it does.” Jan Meyer, author of A Trained Dog is a Good Dog

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