Please be advised that the registration to participate in Ward Committees in the South Peninsula is open to those who are interested. We appeal to the organisations interested to please take notice of this as the City is giving a second chance to lack of responded we got last time.

Interest Groups in the following sectors can apply to register:

Youth; Women; Tourism; Religious Grouping; Health and Welfare; Business; Environment; Education; Sports; Arts and Culture; Senior Citizens; Community Safety Forums; Community Based Organisations; Ratepayers/Civic Association;  Organisations for people living with disabilities; .

For successful registration to be considered for participation in Ward Forums, Interest Groups must :

  • Register at the relevant Subcouncil Office in which the respective ward falls
  • Be active within the boundaries of the ward
  • Complete the prescribed application form
  • Attach the Organisation’s Constitution and Minutes of an AGM held within the past 18 months.

Interest Groups that do not comply with the above mentioned requirements cannot be considered for participation in the Ward Committees. Interest Groups may register in more that one ward but a separate registration form must be completed for each ward. 

The closing date for registration is Friday, 15June 2012 at 16:00 (4pm).

Application forms are available at our Subcouncil Office:

Subcouncil 19

(South Peninsula)

Fish Hoek Municipal Office

Central Circle, Fish Hoek


Tel: / 11

43, 61, 64, 67,69