Commencing in June, this is a new course, happening at least once a month, and if relevant, more than once a month.  It is for people who want to be out and about with their cameras, taking interesting photographs.

It is NOT sitting in a house learning how to do it, or how to edit.

There will be a theme each month, and photographs can be shared in a forum which will be made available for that purpose.

Time:           The morning or evening magic hour on the second Thursday of the month.  The magic hour is just after Sunrise and just before Sunset, so this will differ each month.

Special Cape Town events will be identified and circulated to the group, which will obviously then occur simultaneously with the event identified.

Venue:         Somewhere amazing where photographs can be taken which match the theme for the month.

Cost:           Normal U3A rates [R5] will apply.  Shared transport will be organised and will be at the cost of participants.

Contact:       Reine Marais:        email: 



Liesbeek River Historical Walk (a) Helen Robinson

Wednesday, 02/05/2012

09h45 for a 10h00 start


Glass Painting Workshop Sharon Bernhardt

Saturday, 05/05/2012

09h30 – 11h30


Fish Hoek Croquet Club’s Open Day – free to U3A members & including tea Cynthia Romain

Saturday, 05/05/2012

13h45 – 17h30

Fish Hoek

Moonshine Walking Group Walter Behr

Sunday, 06/05/2012


Signal Hill

Develop Your Self Workshop (1)

Emotional impact on health & wellbeing explained

Bridgett Whyte

Saturday, 12/05/2012

09h00 – 12-noon

Fish Hoek

Liesbeek River Historical Walk (b) Helen Robinson

Wednesday, 16/05/2012

09h45 for a 10h00 start


Develop Your Self Workshop (2)


Bridgett Whyte

Saturday, 19/05/2012

09h00 – 12-noon

Fish Hoek

The Developoment of Two Community Gardens – a two part workshop illustrating the actions of South African and British community members to meet their food needs and create other benefits for their communities.  Part one:  Cultivation of a vegetable garden in Cape Town – Part two:  Restoring a walled herb garden in England. Janice Behr

Saturday, 26/05/2012

10h00 – 12-noon

Fish Hoek

How to interact safely with the Internet – this workshop is lighthearted and participants will leave with a good knowledge of the dangers, some basic advice on how to improve security and also a take away a crib sheet with a summary of the talk and key points so you can implement the safety tips at home yourselves. Jon Kerr

Saturday, 23/06/2012

09h45 for 10h00 start

Fish Hoek

The Living Will Society – a non-profit making organisation avoiding being kept alive artifically. Peter Koster

On request
