The public response to the dramatic increase in shark attacks in False Bay in the past 10 years is putting scientists and the authorities under pressure to fast track our understanding of shark behaviour and to find solutions to reduce tragic encounters. Following the shark attack on David Lilienfeld in April there has been a huge amount of controversy about the re-issuing of a permit to shark film maker Chris Fisher of OCearch to attract and tag great white sharks in False Bay? The cost of tagging a significant number of sharks exceeds government research budgets and leading South African shark and ocean scientists believe that the research opportunities being made available to them by the OCearch project are invaluable and pose no risk to ocean goers. Incidentally, the public are also able to track the tagged sharks through a dedicated Facebook site which means that the information about the movements of the tagged sharks is no longer exclusive to scientists. Click here for more info.
So why the controversy? The key concern is that by chumming for and then handling the sharks while attaching the tags, they could become habituated to humans thereby increasing the risk of shark attacks. I believe that to unbundle the hugely emotive but real issue of learning to assess and manage the risk of a shark attack, we have to understand fear and learn to manage risk.
Most humans have a primordial fear of sharks. Sharks tick many boxes under the heading of scary animals. They are cold blooded, have no facial expressions (what are they thinking!), are super predators, strike out of the blue, and are faster and more powerful than us.
The movie `Jaws’ can justifiably be blamed for bringing our fears to the surface. By portraying a rogue shark that targets humans ‘Jaws’ made the connection personal and allowed our instinctive fear to hijack our reason. To an extent, documentaries and coffee table books that portray `Air Jaws’ a super predator striking at defenceless warm blooded prey also play a role in perpetuating our fear. When the prey is human the tragedy sends shock waves deep into our psyche even touching people who don’t venture into the sea.
There is a strong link between our fear of and fascination with `scary’ creatures such as sharks, snakes spiders etc. The key is to grow the fascination into understanding and eventually into appreciation of the role of the animal in Nature and its inherent right to exist. Perhaps then fascination will have mastered fear and as we reclaim reason, we can learn to manage the risks of living on Earth with sharks which ironically are essential to a healthy sea and our long term survival.
The role of shark cage diving, film making and research involving tagging sharks clearly has a place in growing fascination, awareness and understanding. How can this be achieved in a way that does not increase the risk either to sharks or to humans? A Catch 22, we need to get close to study sharks but they must not get close enough to lose their natural caution? Although scientists say there is no proof that either chumming or tagging sharks conditions them to humans, intuitively many people believe that interacting with sharks will in time lead to them becoming less cautious of us. While this does not presuppose that sharks will target humans as prey, it does feel more risky.
Apart from fear, I believe that the increasing disconnection between people and Nature is a stumbling block to reducing the risk of a shark attack. As more people take to the seas with sport equipment that allows them to go further from the shore and to stay in the water longer more encounters with sharks are likely. Although scientists are loath to give information about the size of the great white shark population in False Bay there is sufficient anecdotal evidence from fishermen, divers, kayakers and surfers to support the popular belief that the presence of sharks inshore is increasing.
The Oceans are a blue wilderness and the seashore with our favourite surfing, dive and fishing spots are the gateways to that wilderness. Yet how many of us stop to consider the environmental factors, apart from the weather or waves before we dive in? Is it `inshore season’ for sharks? What does the Shark Spotters (for Cape Town) website say about current shark sightings? Is there marine activity inshore such as the presence of fish, porpoises or a dead whale or seals on the beach that could increase the risk of predatory shark behaviour etc, etc?
OK! As someone who has lived at the sea all her life and swam, dived and kayaked, I acknowledge that I never used to ask these questions either. It is routine to do a weather check before going on a long paddle and while I am the first to accept that there are no guarantees, just as we check the wind and sea conditions, so we need to factor the potential presence of sharks into our planning for a good surf, dive, swim, paddle etc. I have ongoing arguments with my 20 year old son because he does not think it relevant to do a simple shark risk assessment before surfing. For him and his pals when and where to surf is about whenever they have free time and where the waves are best. Awareness about shark activity or Shark Spotters on duty is not an issue. I think it should be!
When there is a shark attack, whether a scary encounter such as being bumped off your kayak, a tragic bite resulting in death or the most frightening, a rare predatory event where a shark eats someone, people demand a reason and a response from the authorities. There is talk about rogue sharks, habituated sharks and an overpopulation of sharks. While the authorities have a key role in ensuring that they do not authorise or promote activities that increase risks, surely as ocean users we need to take personal responsibility for our own safety. The first step is to acknowledge that the Ocean and familiar False Bay is actually a wilderness area. The second is to learn to understand as much as possible about local shark behaviour. Thirdly, we need to accept that injury or death by shark is far less likely than many of the other hazards in our so called civilized world – but that it does on sad and rare occasions happen.
Three surfers had what they describe as a narrow escape while surfing last week at Buffels Bay. They were repeatedly approached and sized up by a large great white at very close quarters. By staying calm and acting together they managed to get to the shore in safety. I hope that Kevin will not think I am using his words out of context when I quote what he said about their experience: “There is no hard and fast rule to beating the odds and I’m sure there are many factors which can contribute to situations. … As gory as it may seem, I do urge every ocean goer to look up the facts and figures about sharks and learn to accept that they are there, more often than we know!” Click here to read about their experience
KimK May 2012
Read about proposal for a shark exclusion net for Fish Hoek swimmers and nipper training
4 Comment
Study finds Support for Great White Sharks even after Attack | The Scenic South, July 25, 2012 at 1:52 pm
[...] Click here for an article about managing risk and reducing fear. [...]
ReplySharks Spotters in the News | Shark Spotters, May 14, 2012 at 11:22 am
[...] Shark Attacks in False Bay– Fear Factor vs Risk! | The Scenic South What does the Shark Spotters (for Cape Town) website say about current shark … Awareness about shark activity or Shark Spotters on duty is not an…/shark-attacks-in-false-bay–-fear-fact… [...]
ReplyKim, May 9, 2012 at 11:25 am
The vehement opposition by some sectors and individuals in the coastal community to the current OCearch permit to chum for and tag Sharks in False Bay and Gansbaai for research purposes is threatening to put the research at risk. Some of the researchers are concerned that the negativity surrounding the tagging process could, in the eyes of the public, discredit them and or their research. For years shark scientists have tried to raise funds to do the kind of research that Chris Fischer and the OCearch team are now providing the platform for.
Satellite tags attached to the sharks and will track their movements for up to 5 years providing information about where these sharks go when they leave our coastline, discover new foraging areas and possibly even, where they are mating and pupping. This information is vital to understanding the population dynamics of great white sharks as well as the role that our coast and bays including False Bay, Gansbaai and Mosselbay play for these sharks.
Acoustic tags with a 10 year life span will record the sharks as they move past receiving stations in False Bay thereby providing a far clearer understanding of the in shore movements of the tagged sharks. The value of this information for understanding places and times that experience high shark visits and the significance of this for reducing the risk of human and shark encounters is quite obvious.
Tissue samples from the tagged sharks will be measured for isotopes which will provide direct information about the main food sources of these sharks. Before the tissue sampling, scientists could only speculate about what great whites feed on when they come inshore. Understanding their inshore behaviour clearly plays a crucial role in being able to manage the risk of human shark encounters.
Taking parasite samples from the sharks provides information about the health of the individuals, but it also provides important medical information. People who survive a shark attack are at risk of secondary infections and knowledge about the bacteria and parasites in a sharks mouth would greatly assist the post bite treatment and recovery.
In the light of the invaluable information which will contribute directly to understanding the inshore movements and behaviour of sharks, are the arguments for stopping this research opportunity reasonable?
ReplyAbout shark attacks and our reactions to them | The Scenic South, May 7, 2012 at 11:11 am
[...] See also: [...]