February has been a busy month full of fresh faced Ikamvanites all eager to learn. The new members have really engaged with IY and have shown their commitment already. We look forward to them remaining dedicated
IkamvaLive Internships
The matrics who did not get into university have been swarming around the office helping out with admin tasks and applying for any study opportunities. 4 learners managed to secure a journalism internship with IkamvaLive. It is hard work and they are currently adapting to the responsibility and pressure that comes with deadlines and expectations. Solomzi Mtengwane is researching at the moment to write an article about IkamvaYouth and what it is doing for youth in South Africa.
The transition to university is full of fear. The unknown environment, new people, new knowledge, and a wealth of opportunities. Buhle Mashiyi begun at University of the Free State and had this to say about his first few weeks:
Everything is going well for now. I’m enjoying the LLB programme. I have not done anything hardcore yet but as off next week i begin with tests until the end of the semester. The University is great it also has plenty of leadership opportunities. In August there are going to be elections for the Es which are the people who work for the the SRC and the following year those people who are in the ES get a chance to be elected for the SRC its wonderful opportunity ,maybe you gonna think ahem ‘Buhle what about your studies’ and to answer that one of my dreams is to be heard I want my voice to be heard , I want to make a difference and opportunities like this can help me to do that, there’s also a leadership course in the March holidays and there’s also this 101 programme where they take about 70 students to go internationally but academics are taken into consideration. I am also currently attending a church called the CRC only on sundays and believe me when I say that they praise the lord in a very wild different way but it’s wonderful. I am missing my mom but I think she pretends that she does not miss me, I’m missing you even though you also pretend you dont miss me, I miss Nico, Zoe ,Cynthia, Siki,zinathi,sino,buti,zintle et. I just miss the home. Hope everything is going well at Ikamva one of the places I can call home. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Love Buhle
Buhle has been part of IkamvaYouth since its beginning at the Masiphumelele Library. He was a keen member of the 1st ever Careers Indaba that was held in 2008 at the library and has been involved ever since. At first Buhle was not the ideal student, showing apathy toward his studies and maintaining the minimum attendance requirements and results.
Over his time at IkamvaYouth Buhle has developed from a quiet, shy boy to a very mature and conscientious young man. His involvement as a church leader, as a key member of Fish Hoek High’s soccer team, and a committed learner in the IkamvaYouth programme has developed his sense of responsibility and encouraged his future ambitions. He is now studying Law at University of the Free State.
Buhle truly exemplifies the vision of IkamvaYouth; to enable learners to access university and contributing to South Africa’s development, by instilling them with a sense of personal worth and entitlement, improving their academic performance, giving access to information, improving their social skills and confidence, and fostering an awareness social responsibility.
Strategic Planning Weekend (SPW)
One of the objectives of IkamvaYouth is to engage learners in the decision-making processes of the organisation and encourage them to voice themselves, so that they see themselves as part of the change. The SPW is a mechanism to raise the learners interests and identify how they can make a difference to IkamvaYouth and how IkamvaYouth can make a difference in their lives. Over the last 3 Saturday’s the library staff have availed the library space for us to conduct the SPW. It was an amazing process and we have an amazing group of pro-active, critical thinking, inspiring individuals that attended all 3 Saturdays. Please see the blog and the report here.
Philosophy Club
IkamvaYouth supports a holistic approach to youth development and has always promoted activities that go beyond the tutoring mandate. This month has seen a revival of the Philosophy Club, thanks to Caroline Brauner . The first session was held on Wednesday 29th March and engaged the learners in a heavy discussion about the ego and a debate about nature Vs nuture. It was very vibrant and both Caroline and I were hugely impressed with the learners. If anyone has an idea for a philosophical outing or would like to suggest a topic that they think would be relevant and of interest please email me.
Ladies Club
Isabel Malone is continuing to implement the hugely popular Ladies Club that tackles the issues that many teenage girls face. The ladies absolutely love it as it gives them a safe space to voice their fears, access information, and share stories. The aim is that through learning and discussing issues they will make informed choices for themselves. If you would like more information please email . Unfortunately, Isabel is leaving at the beginning of May to begin Medical School in the US. She is on the hunt for a young and vibrant lady to volunteer to help run the club. Any nominations are welcomed.
Man Club
Nick Jones has joined IkamvaYouth as a tutor and has made a huge impact. He is an ex-teacher and has a brilliant rapport with the learners. Together with Nico they are hoping to revive the Man Club this month. Swimming sessions at the beach is on the cards for March.
Upcoming events
The Leopard Trust Camp has sponsored IkamvaYouth to attend their Cederberg wilderness camp in the Easter holidays. 14 Ikamvanites together with 2 groups from other schools in Mitchells Plain will attend the week long camp to explore nature as well as build understanding between cultures. It is a very exciting initiative that learners and staff are looking forward to.
Careers Indaba. I know it is early to begin thinking about events in June but time seems to have a way of disappearing into thin air and leaving us gormlessly staring at an ever expanding to do list. So I am being organised and starting to think about it now. IkamvaYouth holds a winter school every June/July in the holidays aimed at raising learner’s awareness and access to information regarding careers, exposing them to a variety of new activities, taking them on excursions, and offering targeted tutoring. If anyone would like to be involved in the planning process, or they have suggestions for activities, workshops or excursions please contact us.
Thanks everyone for the on-going interest and support.
You make it happen!
Zoe Mann