Nerina Gardens & Carlisle Lodge are homes for the Elderly in the False Bay area, providing a safe haven for ± 290 residents ranging from 70 – 100+ years of age .
But…. we are in financial need due to general inflation, rapid price hikes in food and basic commodities, electricity, medicines and up to 20% of our residents unable to pay the basic rental per month. Our rentals are amongst the lowest in South Africa in our category.
• Our association has a project that reaches out into the community to the elderly and lonely in our Fish Hoek valley.
• Our particular concern is for those who are over 80 and live alone, some of whom are incapacitated and need caring support.
• We top up the rentals for some of our residents who are in need, and sponsor a number of residents who are without pensions.
• We have a highly efficient Alzheimer’s Wing, rated as one of the best in the Western Cape, which houses up to 26 residents. Our Alzheimer Support Group assists with counseling and advice for families.
• We have limited Palliative and Respite Care available.
• All of our donations come from Private Individuals, and our own Fundraising efforts.
Help our Elderly – join the
Nerina 1000 Club
Our fundamental form of fundraising is done through the NERINA 1000 CLUB – a monthly draw with 4 prizes – 1 “‘prize of R10,000, 2nd & 3rd prize of R1,000 each and a 4th prize of R500. Our aim is to enlist 1000 members each paying an annual payment of R600-00 or 12 x R50 per month entitling the member to a year’s subscription to this lucky draw.
If however, this form of fundraising is not acceptable to you, being in the form of a lottery, perhaps you would pledge a monthly amount to the NERINA 1000 CLUB.
For more info, application forms and payment details please contact
Maureen Burggraaf
Website –
We are appealing to you, the Community, to help us in ensuring that our Senior Citizens have a safe future in a secure environment, and I’m sure you will agree that they more than deserve our concern and support.
The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
The club is limited to 1000 subscriptions in total.
Winners will be notified by telephone.
Winners agree to their names being published.
The draw will be under the supervision of Management and/or Executive Committee.
Anyone may participate in the draw, including employees of the Association.
Please send this link on to a friend, colleague or family member whom you think might be interested!
Maureen Burggraaf
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7 Comment
Nerina 1000 Club Draw July 2012 | The Scenic South, August 1, 2012 at 2:28 pm
[...] spread the word…… Remember…. “TO WIN IT YOU MUST BE IN IT ! “ See I am available 24/7 on any of the numbers listed below. I have also attached an [...]
ReplyJune winners of the Nerina 1000 Club draw | The Scenic South, July 2, 2012 at 11:52 am
[...] [...]
ReplyNerina 1000 Club May Winners | The Scenic South, May 29, 2012 at 1:02 pm
[...] Fish Hoek Eldercare’s main form of generating funds is through the Nerina 1000 Club. See Again….. if you know of anyone whom you think might want to help, please advise me. I am [...]
ReplyFish Hoek Eldercare’s Nerina 1000 Draw April winners | The Scenic South, May 2, 2012 at 5:12 pm
[...] Fish Hoek Eldercare’s Nerina 1000 Draw April winners The Nerina 1000 club has winners – people who support the club and our elderly who benefit from their support! R500 #288 Mrs C A Griffiths - Constantia R1000 #438 Mrs S J Morkel - Simon’s Town R1000 #426 Mr John Craig - Simon’s Town R10,000 #434 Mrs L Stewart - Rondebosch Help support our elderly! See [...]
ReplyNerina 1000 Club Winners March 2012 | The Scenic South, March 30, 2012 at 2:44 pm
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ReplyWords of wisdom from senior citizens of the Scenic South | The Scenic South, February 14, 2012 at 2:29 pm
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