Barry writes like an Irish angel. His language is vivid interesting but these characters are not dull and nor are their stories. We are drawn immediately into the life of Lily Bere, 89 years old, who has just lost her only grandson. She decides her life must end but, before it does, she writes it. She and Tagh fled from Ireland to America during The Troubles and for a long time life was hard.

This book was on the long list for the Man Booker but, though well worth reading has not made the cut.
The best book I read while I was travelling in May, was Barry’s A Long, Long Way. Its hero, Willie Dunne, was Lily’s brother and, I believe, her older sister’s story is told in Annie Dunne which I shall be looking out for.

Probably his best known and best-selling book is The Secret Scripture.

Jenny Strickland