Join the Climate Change Discussions
In anticipation of COP17, and considering that the previous two meetings in Copenhagen and Mexico produced very little, WESSA in Cape Town is facilitating a series of Discussions around Climate Change starting July 2011. The topic Waste and Climate Change will be workshopped on 23 August from 16 – 18:00 WESSA Barn, 31 The Sanctuary, Kirstenhof. On 30 August the final topic Bio-Diversity and Climate Change will be workshopped. venue and times as above.
The UN Climate Change Convention, COP17, is taking place in Durban in December. It is THE most crucial climate Conference to date. 2012 marks the end of the Kyoto Accord and recommitment is not guaranteed. Drastic climate change indicators—from massive wildfires to devastating floods—abound globally. These go way beyond `natural’ weather variability.
The purpose of the sessions being facilitated by WESSA is to look at the issues around climate change and to plan for action:
* identify what mitigation and adaptation measures are being implemented by municipalities, business, NGOs and civil society;
* explore innovative, practical responses to climate change;
* and develop important civil society messages that South Africa should be taking to COP17.
Each session will focus on one of WESSA’s four thematic areas of Biodiversity, Water, Waste and Energy. Outcomes of the discussions taking place around the country will be consolidated by WESSA nationally in September and taken to the international event in December.
The Greater Cape Town Civic Alliance (GCTCA), supported by WESSA, is hosting a 3 hour information sharing seminar on “Cape Town and its Energy future” on Saturday 23 July, with well qualified speakers on a range of relevant topics to help lead discussion and map the way forward—view full details attached. Given that this event falls in the same week that we had planned for our first Discussion and that Cape Town’s Energy and Climate Change Policy features prominently on their agenda, it was logical to merge the two events.
We will therefore ‘kick-start’ the sessions with a discussion around Energy and Climate Change at the GCTCA seminar: Saturday 23 July 2011, 10am to 1pm in the WESSA Barn, 31 The Sanctuary, Kirstenhof.
Please contact WESSA if you would like to participate (or for further information) on or email . Attendance is free of charge and there will be tea and coffee.
Remember: Whatever we do we need energy. However, as far as supply goes (of food, oil, coal, nuclear, wind, solar, tidal etc), we live in uncertain and climate changing times. Participate in this session and help shape a healthy energy future for our City!
Catherine Ritchie Marketing and Communications, Western Cape Region of WESSA (Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa)