Enough is enough!
Sign our petition calling for drastic action on the part of the authorities!
Have you or members of your family had an accident on Kommetjie Road, Fish Hoek? Have you been touched by the suffering of accident victims and their families? Are you enraged that yet another innocent life has been taken by a law-defying, selfish driver and are wondering why the authorities don’t do their job?  If so please sign our online petition. Link:

Please help by passing the link for the petition to concerned friends and family. This petition is also a platform to collect statistics about all traffic accidents on Kommetjie Road.  We intend to show the authorities that enough is enough.  Please inform people who are not on email or the internet that they can drop off their letters petitioning for immediate effective traffic policing and stories of accidents they have been involved in on Kommetjie Road  at Fish Hoek Veterinary Clinic on Kommetjie Road or into the postbox at 93 Kommetjie Road.  Provide a brief account of the accident, including number of people injured with, if possible, an estimated financial cost.
Tragically on Sunday 5 June at about 11am 80 yr old Ray Renaud and his dog were knocked down and killed near the 16th Ave intersection by a speedhog allegedly travelling at more than 100km/ ph through this residential area with a speed limit of 60km/ph. Last year a young girl was killed innocently walking her dog when an unlicensed taxi-driver sped through red robots at the 17th Ave intersection, losing control of his vehicle and killing her on the pavement. Uga Carlini who lives on Kommetjie Road was one of the first people on the scene of Sunday’s tragic accident. She has written a passionate letter to calling for action. See our Forum and be moved to respond: https://scenicsouth.co.za//forum-2/#/news/
Over the years there have been many other fatalities of both pedestrians and motorists and many near misses. Various efforts have been made by concerned and affected residents to bring about traffic calming and other measures to stop the carnage.  A modicum of relief was brought about by the placement of traffic lights at the 17th Ave and Quarry Rd intersections. Unfortunately this is not enough as drivers speed through red robots. A drastic change of mentality and driving patterns is required as well as hard- hitting measures to be taken by the authorities to stop speeding and unlawful driver behaviour on this heavily used access road through residential Fish Hoek.
We have lived on the mountainside off Quarry Rd for 22 years and in this time have witnessed many scenes of carnage and destruction at the above-mentioned intersections.  Previous requests for the placement of cameras have met with the reply that they are too expensive to install. Over the years the fines that could have been issued to motorists accelerating through the red robots or ignoring the lane signage would have paid for cameras at every major intersection in the Scenic South.
The Riverside Rd intersection is another dangerous section where major accidents have occurred. Letters to the media appear regularly calling for measures to create a traffic circle at this dangerous crossing.
It is time for action on the part of everyone. Uga Carlini and the Scenic South team are committed to doing all we can to make Kommetjie Road safe for all motorists, pedestrians and residents living on its boundaries. We urgently call on you to join us.


Our heartfelt sympathies go out to the family and friends of Ray Renaud.