Our gardener phoned me in the early hours of Monday 2nd May to say that his home had been burnt to the ground along with 1500 homes in Masiphumelele. Thankfully his family is safe including his 3 week old daughter.  What a world to be born into – where recurring fires that threaten your family and destroy your home are a real and ever present threat. 

Yesterday this pile of burnt posts and buckled corregated iron was a home.

Disaster management and local community workers and support organizations are on the ground helping with the relief and rebuilding operations. The scale of the devastation and material loss is so great that appeals for bedding, food, clothing, pots, crockery, building materials, appliances anything you have that you can offer / no longer need would be appreciated.  These can be taken to the Masiphumelele Community center or to the Ocean view or Fish Hoek Police stations and marked for the Masi fire.

The Fish Hoek Ratepayers and Residents Association has made their banking facility available for people to make financial donations. Please support this call for money which will be distributed where it is most needed. 

 The account is in the name of the FHVRRA at Standard Bank Fish Hoek.  Account no 91.  An electronic fund transfer is preferable – the code is 051001 for an EFT and 036009 for a deposit.  Bank charges for cash or cheque deposit costs R12: 50 per deposit.  When you make a donation please reference it as follows FIRE and your name.

UPDATE!! UPDATE!!  Baby food, disposable nappies, baby clothes are a critical need at the moment.  Tuesday 2 May 16:00.  They can be taken to the Living Hope Center opposite Masi, to the Ocean View or Fish Hoek Police Stations or the Masi community center.

Note if you can help with building materials contact the Far South disaster & risk Management control manager Marti Weddepohl on or  .  

Resilient residents walk between pools of spent water and burnt homes. Their first priority is to find displaced relatives and friends.  Their next is how to find the energy and materials to start all over again.    

Click here to read the good news  of Lady & Lord Laidlaw's donation for the school children of Masi
