My friend had won an award for her still life painting. That same day my Gardener excitedly beckoned me to come and look at the still life. I went out expecting to see Nola with her painting.
There was no Nola or any sign of a painting. Madala was pointing to my pot plant. I asked him what was wrong with it. His reply was “there is a still life, you know – the one you like”. There sure enough there was our resident toad sleeping in the pot.
I had to marvel at the simple description as he explained that the toad was still, but alive – a still life. It was very hot weather and I noticed that Hop-fellow as we called him was there every day and would pop out for food in the early part of the evening. How privileged we have been.
Close up photo on the RHS of Hop-fellow, our resident Leopard Toad catching a quiet nap – described as a “still life”
Notice of 2011 meeting of Toad Volunteers
Dear Toad Friends in Noordhoek, Glencairn, Glencairn Heights, Sun Valley and Fish Hoek,
Every winter thousands of Western Leopard Toads leave the safety of their solitary garden homes in our suburbs to make the life-threatening journey to their nearest ponds to breed. Many of these animals won’t make it home – they will become road kill statistics.
Here are the numbers from the 2010 breeding season:
Over 100 volunteers
Patrolled in 18 suburbs
For 752 hours
To save 1753 toads.
Sadly of these, up to 20% were killed by unwitting motorists
Without our volunteers, the death toll would be far higher. Become part of one of the largest volunteer efforts in South Africa to save a single species from extinction! Any amount of your time is appreciated.
Join us for training to become a toad volunteer for the 2011 breeding migration (July – September)
Date: 18th May Time: 19h00 – 21h00
Venue: Cape Point Vineyards Tasting room No 1. Chapman’s Peak Drive, Noordhoek
(from Noordhoek follow Noordhoek Main Rd to CPV entrance on right – just before start of Chapman’s Peak Dr.
Tea and coffee will be served
Please let us know if you can attend. All ‘oldies’ should join us for new data collection instructions.
Many thanks, Alison and Suzie
1 Comment
Invite to Volunteers to save Leopard Toads | The Scenic South, May 13, 2011 at 12:38 am
[...] Click here for a delightful tale of a Noordhoek Toad. If you have a toad tale that you would like to share with us please email [...]