The District Spatial Development Plans & Environmental Management Frameworks which will guide development in Cape Town incl. densification, infrastructure, rezoning of agricultural land, transport, new commercial nodes etc. are available for final input from the public.  Civic Associations and Environmental NGOs across the City have commented on the policies in previous drafts and according to the City Planners, “based on this public input the City has revised these plans and is now providing a final opportunity for public comment”.   The Scenic South is a sub-set of District H or the `Southern District’ which includes the Southern most portions of the Cape Flats. 

The Civics in the South Peninsula critisized previous drafts for promoting too much densification as well as inappropriate commercial nodes in the Far South Peninsula.  They pointed out a disconnect between the infrastructural capacity (e.g a shortfall in schools, water supply, waste water treatment capacity, transport congestion, etc) and the promotion of more development.  Previous drafts also undermined the protection of undeveloped land for agricultural purposes esp. market gardening.  The Policies also appeared to promote development at the expense of the natural environment and scenic landscape which is this region’s economic driver.

The final draft District Plan relevant to the Scenic South Peninsula, will be available for public inspection from Friday 1 April 2011 at Fish Hoek library, sub-council offices and the City’s Planning & Building Development Management Department’s district offices in Plumstead.

The District Plans, when finalized, will be approved by Council as Structure Plans in terms of section 4(10) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance no 15 of 1985.  The Environmental Management Frameworks will be submitted to the Provincial Minister for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning in terms of Regulation 5 of the Environmental Management Framework Regulations, 2010 (Government Notice No. R. 547 of 18 June 2010), for consideration and adoption, in concurrence with the National Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs.

In terms of Regulation 3(2) of the Environmental Management Framework the Provincial Minister for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning hereby invites comments and representations on these draft Frameworks.

The final draft District Plans can be downloaded here:
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The closing date for comment on the final draft District Plans is 30 June 2011.

Stakeholder open days will take place in the districts in the month of April 2011 where the revised draft proposals of the relevant District Plans will be presented and discussed. A schedule of these open days is available .

Comments can also be sent to:

Spatial Planning & Urban Design Department
City of Cape Town
P O Box 4511
Cape Town


For more information contact Mr Paul Prinsloo on or