Media Release: 14 December, 2010
The SA Legion wishes to warn the public that individuals are defrauding military veterans and their dependants who served in the former South African Defence Force (SADF) in the Greater Cape Town Area and parts of the Western Cape.
The SA Legion advises that neither the Legion nor our present military, the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), relies on word-of-mouth agents on the streets to distribute pensions!
The modus operandi of the scam operators is to offer the veterans pensions and payouts within 90 days. They then charge an R80.00 “administration” fee. The syndicate also approaches former SA Cape Corps members to apply for pensions, asking for R250.00 for an application form. There should be no fees payable to fill in government forms.  Some have even promised work for “integration” in the SANDF, which cannot be done.
The Legion calls on members of the public who have information on these individuals to inform the nearest branch of the SAPS or SANDF Unit or Base of these illegal activities. The SA Legion offices can also be used for information purposes.
The Legion condemns this sort of activity whereby our military veterans are given false expectations and defrauded of the little money they have left.
For further information, contact the National President, Lt. Col. Godfrey Giles:
Fax:               2
Or, Public Relations and Publicity member, Christopher Szabo:
Fax: :            