S.H.A.R.E. stands for = the Southside Help, Advice and Resource Exchange: an informal association of NGOs and community minded people in the south peninsula who meet monthly to share their experience and information with each other.
If you would like to get involved in your community you should come along to S.H.A.R.E. Our meetings are every first Thursday of a month. We alternate with every second meeting being a networking one followed by a topic which is decided by the group. Over the last couple of months we have had discussions about Community centre spaces, Recruitment and implementation of volunteers and different structures of non-profit organisations.
Our last topic on discussion was about volunteers and how they benefit our various organisations. Mike Talley from Living Hope shared this experiences and knowledge with the group. We touched on the benefits of short term and long term volunteers and how they could be utilized by the various organisations which are need of them.
Our networking sessions benefit everyone immensely. By discussing our various challenges and sharing our experiences we find solutions to our problems and connect with people who can assist us.
The next S.H.A.R.E meeting will be in Red Hill on the 2nd of September. We will be concentrating on the needs and potential of the Red Hill community. The tour will be hosted by Siphokazi Manzama (Chairperson of Redhill Development Forum). We will meet at Redhill pre-school at 1.00pm. It is located at the middle entrance to Red Hill by the Big Rock.
Everyone is welcome to all S.H.A.R.E gatherings, if you would like to be added to our database or require any further information please contact the eMzantsi Offices on .