Our congratulations to Gavin Fish who has recently been appointed the new principal of Fish Hoek High School. We wish outgoing Principal Mike Edwards much happiness in his retirement.

Gavin-FishHaving been born into a family littered with teachers it was no surprise that Gavin followed the family way. Completing his BA at Stellenbosch University he began his teaching career at Plumstead High School where he spent 11 years teaching physical Education, History and coaching as much athletics as was possible. A seven year, life defining stint at Muizenberg High School followed. Here Gavin was appointed Deputy Principal in 2001 and assumed the Discipline portfolio which he was to hold for the next nine years. In 2006 Gavin made a sideways move taking on the challenges of Fish Hoek Middle School again as Deputy. This year past has seen the exciting amalgamation of the two Fish Hoek High Schools a process that Gavin was a party to from the outset.

 He speaks of his recent appointment as Principal of Fish Hoek High School as a 22 year dream come true. Gavin is totally sold on South Africa’s youth and passionate about working with teenagers. He believes in empowering teenagers, that they should be both seen and heard. He is excited and humbled about heading up a school with such a fine tradition of academic excellence and with such a competent and experienced staff. He is committed to a school that develops teens as broadly as possible, academically, culturally and on the sports fields. He is apalled at South Africa’s status as having the largest rich poor disparity on earth and determined to build on the school’s service structures in response.