The deadline for objections is 30th April 2010. Late objections will not be allowed, as there is no mechanism in current legislation which allows for that.
LETTER BY Alderman Nicki Holderness . January 2010
Priorities for 2010 and New Ward Boundaries.
2010 has come in with some wonderful weather but serious pressure on our roads and beaches.
The sub council will have its first formal meeting in February but the priorities for the year ahead need to be listed now as the budget planning for the next financial year has already started. Priorities for me include:
- Passing lanes on Ou Kaapse Weg.
- Traffic lights or, preferably, a traffic circle at the intersection of Silvermine Road and OKW.
- Improvements to traffic system at the intersection of OKW and Kommetjie Road.
- Improvements to Kommetjie Road.
- Sidewalk between Slangkop Road and Kirsten Road, Kommetjie.
- Dedicated Traffic and Law Enforcement officials.
- More authority and say over budget allocation and spending being delegated to sub councils – let’s make communities decide what the priorities should be.
- Improved rail service.
And as for the talk around “ our legacy for 2010” how about our goal being to make the Far South the cleanest place in South Africa so that every visitor is really impressed. Of course this will mean stepping up our recycling programmes and making everyone keen to stop littering.
2011 is the year for Local Government elections and the Demarcation Board has already published its proposal for new ward boundaries. All wards have to comply with National Government requirements for a certain number of registered voters per each Voting District or VD station. The proposals that came out last year divide Fish Hoek up into 3 wards, the larger part of Fish Hoek becoming part of ward 64 including St James and Muizenberg, one part in ward 61 as now and one part staying in ward 69. Sub council boundaries, already very confusing will also change. These issues do influence meaningful participation by residents which is why I believe it so important to get stronger sub council powers now.
An interesting year ahead… What are your priorities?
Alderman Nicki Holderness Councillor, Ward 61, City of Cape Town ( Simon’s Town, Glencairn, Red Hill, Fish Hoek South, Ocean View, Sun Valley, Kommetjie, Scarborough)
City of Cape Town raises its concerns at NERSA hearings
Alderman Ian Neilson, the City of Cape Town’s Executive Deputy Mayor and Mayoral Committee Member for Finance, today presented CT’s concerns regarding Eskom’s application for a tariff increase to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA).
NERSA is currently conducting country-wide hearings on the application from Eskom for a 35% tariff increase per annum over the next three years. The hearings are held in addition to the written submissions on the tariff increase already submitted to NERSA by the City of CT. The City’s submission is one of approximately 300 submissions received by NERSA.
During his presentation today Alderman Neilson raised four additional concerns to that made in the City’s written submission regarding Eskom’s planned tariff increase. His concerns related to:
- The rate of Eskom’s infrastructure investment,
- The effect of Eskom’s cross-subsidisation of its tariffs,
- The impact of artificially suppressing tariffs; and
- The impact of the NERSA process on municipal tariffs.
Neilson warned against an abnormally high infrastructure investment to increase generation capacity at Eskom, to the detriment of investment in other services or infrastructure and in other spheres of government.
If investment in infrastructure is not balanced across all services, the shift of funding away from investment in other services would cause these services to hinder future economic growth, he said.
In addition, Neilson said that the middle-income consumer is being hard hit by tariff increases and must carry the burden of Eskom providing lower rates for key industries and indigent people. Neilson noted that it is important to provide indigent people with affordable electricity, but said that this cannot be to the detriment of middle-income consumers. “If cross-subsidisation is not addressed, local authorities’ consumers end up with a triple subsidy load, as indigent municipal consumers must also be cross-subsidised in addition to Eskom’s indigent consumers.” Large commercial customers of Eskom must also carry the cost of cross-subsidization.
Neilson also warned that tariffs for the poor or those using a smaller amount of power must not be artificially suppressed, as this can cause a large gap between low usage tariffs and moderate usage tariffs. People who just miss the cut-off for low income households face a massive increase in their electricity bill. In this way, certain consumers will be forced to change their lifestyles due to this steep step-tariff increase.
He went on to say that NERSA must not use the Eskom application to rule on local authorities’ tariff increases. There is significant existing local government legislation that deals with tariff setting processes and NERSA must adhere to the requirements of these legal processes, which are separate from those of Eskom.
A copy of the City’s 13 page submission is available on request. Contact the Media Section on Tel:
Media enquiries: Ald Ian Neilson, Executive Deputy Mayor and Mayoral Committee Member for Finance, City of Cape Town, Tel: , Cell: CITY OF CAPE TOWN - MEDIA RELEASE – 20 JANUARY 2010
Solar water heaters can cut electricity usage by up to 30%
The City of Cape Town’s Mayoral Committee Member for Utility Services, Alderman Clive Justus, says that the installation of a solar water heater can save up to 30% of the electricity usage in an average household, while reducing harmful carbon emissions. This is because a traditional electrical geyser uses between 30% and 50% of all power consumed in the home. “As electricity prices continue to rocket, it makes sound economic and environmental sense to replace the geyser with a solar water heater – especially in South Africa which is blessed with strong sunlight all year round,” says Justus.
For a family of four with an average electricity bill of R900 per month, a typical solar panel system would cost between R12 000 and R35 000 to install. However, this system could produce savings of some R300 per month or about R3 600 per year. “Thus the capital cost could be paid off in a few years,” says Justus, “or even sooner if the price of electricity continues to spiral at the rates currently proposed by Eskom”.
Justus added that there is “ongoing engagement between the City of Cape Town, Provincial Government and Eskom to encourage the roll out of the Eskom rebate scheme for solar water heaters.” He welcomed Eskom’s announcement that, subject to certain conditions, it would substantially increase subsidies by way of a 15-30% rebate for the installation of approved solar heaters. This brings the previous figure of R4 900 up to a new maximum of just over R12 000.
The City has drafted an Energy Efficient Heating Water By-law. It states that all new buildings and extensions requiring water heating must use solar or other types of energy-efficient heating. Consultation with interested and affected parties will take place shortly. Justus says the City plans to put out a request for proposals early this year to appoint a major service provider which can finance and facilitate a voluntary mass roll-out of some solar water heaters to residential properties across Cape Town. The revised Eskom subsidy will be utilised and residents will be offered a fixed repayment plan through their rates account at a figure equivalent to the present electricity charges for water heating using a normal geyser. “In addition to the direct financial savings, a residential solar water heating system can prevent some 2 000 kg of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) from entering the atmosphere annually, thus reducing a household’s CO2 emissions by about 30%. This figure is deduced from the amount of CO2 a coal-fired power station would have emitted in order to generate the electricity consumed, without the use of a solar water heater,” says Justus.
For more information on the updated and revised Eskom rebate scheme for solar water heaters, please visit enquiries: Alderman Clive Justus, Mayoral Committee Member: Utilities, Tel: or Cell:
Appointment of Service Provider for Baboon Management in the Cape Peninsula
The Nature Conservation Corporation was confirmed as the successful tender for the provision of a baboon management programme on the Cape Peninsula at a meeting of the City of Cape Town’s Bid Adjudication Committee yesterday (Monday 25 January) for the period 01 February – 30 June 2010. The amount awarded was R2 .16, which included VAT and a contingency of R.00. It covers a range of tasks and responsibilities in relation to the employment and management of baboon monitors and other related tasks.
“I am pleased at the outcome of the tender process,” says Cllr Marian Nieuwoudt, Mayoral Committee Member for Planning and Environment. “The Nature Conservation Corporation has performed well over the past six months and there has been a marked decline in baboon/ human incidents. Their re-appointment ensures that there is continuity.”
“I am especially pleased at the technical and financial support we have received from our colleagues in National and Provincial Government, recognising that baboon management is a joint responsibility. While it is essential that baboons must be conserved to retain their role in our unique biodiversity, let us not lose sight of the value they have for the tourism industry, which in turn boosts the local economy, in addition to the social benefits of the monitoring programme, which provides employment for over 50 persons”, she added.
“While all the parties are working towards the finalisation of a Baboon Management Protocol, this is a step in the right direction to find a lasting solution for the management of baboons and human conflict. It is also essential that a policy and legal framework is compiled for the management of the areas adjacent to the mountain to prevent conflict,” she concluded.
Media enquiries: Cllr Marian Nieuwoudt, Tel: or Cell: Stephen Granger, Manager: Strategic Projects, Environmental Resource Management Department, Tel: or Cell:
City of Cape Town BEACHES – A Diversity of Coastal Treasures
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NEW publication by the City of Cape Town Environmental Resource Management Dept. Apart from describing every city beach and including snippets of history or local ecology, the book reports on a wide range of coastal issues from shark spotting to fishing, Blue Flag Beaches and the impact of Climate Change. nteresting reading and a valuable resource for school projects. read more on |
COP 15, arguably one of the most important global meetings in recent history, started in earnest in Copenhagen today, 8 Dec. 2009. What emerges, and whether a global agreement is reached, will determine all of our futures and illustrate the extent to which the world is committed to combating climate change.
Cllr Marian Nieuwoudt, the City of Cape Town’s Mayoral Committee Member for Planning and Environment, speaking at the African Session in Copenhagen today, said that local governments will be the leaders that take the initiative in defining a new future where community resilience, social justice and environmental sustainability are foremost on the agenda. Cllr Nieuwoudt went on to say that Cape Town is committed to this sustainable future and has already prioritized climate change with the establishment of the City’s Energy and Climate Change Committee, as well as the newly formed Cape Town Climate Change Think-Tank. She stressed that key to Cape Town’s future is a proactive local government that leads by example and places the wellbeing of its people at the top of its agenda. She stressed to the African Session that Cape Town’s government is committed to ensuring a prosperous and sustainable future for all its citizens within the context of the challenges posed by a changing climate.
During the Africa Session, Alderman Clive Justus, the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Utilities, stressed that it is not government alone that can and must address climate change, but a collective responsibility on all of us.
The grant funding received from industrialized rich nations in the past is acknowledged with gratitude, but must continue. The African governments present at the session supported a collective call for urgently needed resources to enable up-scaled and accelerated local action, particularly for projects that have already demonstrated effective emission reductions and increased community resilience and adaptation was made. Support needed to go beyond financial and to include prioritising the development of local capacity at local government level. The Africa Day Session concluded with a clear message to the negotiators at Copenhagen:
“Communities in Africa’s cities and towns are already experiencing climate change impacts. Local Government leaders are already taking action on both the mitigation and adaptation fronts including sharing information across networks on the Continent. They need support from their national governments and the international community as they prepare for the challenges in the decades ahead. What they now need most is up-scaled and direct access to financing for these actions. They call on parties to make a deal in Copenhagen which is strong, fair and equitable and which recognises local government’s pivotal role in addressing climate change globally. “ Extract from MEDIA RELEASE by CITY OF CAPE TOWN 08 DECEMBER 2009
LETTER BY Alderman Nicki Holderness . Ward 61 Councillor Nov 2009
Congratulations on this important initiative and the opportunity for those of us living in the Far South to communicate more widely. Wards 61 and 69 cover the area south of the Silvermine Mountain Range. We are interdependent and the issues important to us all and that affect our lives most are not always shared by other communities “across the mountain” nor appreciated by the authorities. Experience has taught us that we need to be as independent as possible and our active volunteer organisations show this spirit. Traffic congestion and the time taken to travel from centralised administrative units of Council must also be considered. In the run up to the Festive season Fire is one of our most important issues. A full report on our preparedness is expected at the November sub council meeting. Many residents have received notices to clear their properties. When they have not done so Council has employed contractors to do the clearing and billed the owners. These bills are shockingly high – in one case R 35 000 for a 650 sq.m. plot! So better do it yourself! Council has resolved to continue to fund the maintenance of fire belts across the Peninsula and SANParks will undertake the work. All fire belts in our area should be ready soon. Members of the Ward forum are going on a tour of our area to see for themselves some of the matters flagged by residents. This will assist in directing decision -making affecting us here. Matters to be addressed in the New Year include: Formulating our own locally based Emergency Response System Getting clear direction from Metro Rail on the sustainability of the railway line. What is the future planning? We have trains constantly affected by sand and sea action but we need to have a reliable mass public transport system. What are the options? Affordable housing options for those on fixed incomes or just starting. Where can you go? Traffic management issues. What are the priorities? And, most importantly, Strengthening the role of Civil Society in local government – a work in progress! Alderman Nicki Holderness Ward 61 Fish Hoek South – Glencairn – Simon’s Town – Da Gama Park – Kommetjie Ocean View – Red Hill – Scarborough – Sun Valley P O Box 18 SIMON’S TOWN 7995 Tel/Bus: 8 Fax: 8 Cell: e-mail:
Fish Hoek Catwalk:
The contractor responsible for the long awaited repair of the Jaggers Catwalk sorted out safety issues for the December/ January holiday season. Remedial work was done on the worse damaged areas and included removing loose slabs of cement so that the Catwalk will be safe to use, though not repaired. Major construction to repair the Catwalk will commence in February 2010. Report from Ald. Felicity Purchase