Posts tagged "Whale Coast Conservation"

Whale Coast Conservation hosts a talk on sustainable fishing at the Green House, Vermont

Mkhululi Silandela, WWF small-scale fisheries officer, will talk about small-scale fisheries with a particular focus on the on-going work with that sector in the Kogelberg region. This is a very important initiative if we are to succeed with a Cape Whale Coast Hope Spot and, more ambitiously, a Marine Protected Area in Walker Bay.

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Preston is inspired by Whale Coast Conservation and the WESSA Eco’s Schools Programme

Preston tells his story of what he learnt through the WESSA Eco's Schools Programme brought to his school via Whale Coast Conservation ...

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The Whale Coast Conservation’s Sustainable Future Expo in Stanford: teaching the children well

The Expo consists of ten interactive learning stations each illustrating..."things we can do to mess up less and how to live with the mess people have already made."

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