News from GEESE re the Glencairn Wetlands
Lady Cilla Bromley of GEESE reports on four current projects at the Glencairn wetlands.
Community News, Enviro News, ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERSLady Cilla Bromley of GEESE reports on four current projects at the Glencairn wetlands.
Community News, Enviro News, ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERSMinutes for the AGM for GEESE includes info about the various portfolio members, problems associated with fishing, the proposed shark intervention experiment,a report on the Storm Water Catchment Nets and the launch of the Fish Hoek Tunnel paving venture.
Community News, Enviro News, ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERSThe report by Prof Geoff Brundrit highlights the issues raised and dealt with by GEESE and the Simon’s Town Coastal Forum
Civic News, Enviro NewsGEESE invite you to the Simon’s Town Coastal Forum Quarterly Meeting to be held on Saturday 25 May 2013 starting at 09h30 in St Andrew’s Church, 71 Glen Road, Glencairn It is advisable to wear walking […]
Civic News, Enviro Events