Posts tagged "Fish Hoek beach"

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Fish Hoek Valley Ratepayers & Residents Association: Feb Newsletter & Micro-Minutes

The FHVRRA: "The work we do affects everyone – planning issues, roads and transport, amenities such as sports fields, parks, the beach, the library, input on policies the City draft every year which affect us all, rates issues and the many environmental issues."

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Dead whale is towed to Fish Hoek beach after beaching at Danger beach. Story in pictures

A decomposing whale weighing about three tons was towed to Fish Hoek beach this afternoon from Danger beach where it had washed up earlier in the day. The photos tell the story...

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Fish Hoek Valley Ratepayers & Residents Association (FHVRRA) Newsletter November 2013

Issues discussed include the ecoli count at Fish Hoek beach, water pumps, baboon fences,the new mall at Sun Valley, response to a fire callout and municipal valuations.

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Horse mussel with pea crab tenant found on Fish Hoek beach

Fish Hoek beach continues to reveal the wondrous creatures of our oceans - this time the pea crab living inside a horse mussel.

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Salps and masses of mussels on Fish Hoek beach Aug 2013

Salps and mussels en masse make for an interesting walk on Fish Hoek beach.

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Shark exclusion net at Fish Hoek gets the nod from the City of Cape Town

The shark exclusion net at Fish Hoek beach gets the nod of approval from the City of Cape Town.

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