Posts tagged "boomslang"

A Boomslang in our Luggage

A boomslang, tired of being a city slitherer and opting for a quieter life in the country, stowed away in a small piece of shade netting and hitched a ride ...

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The Riverine Rovers of Silvermine Wetlands hold snake education morning led by Grant Smith of the Cape Snake Conservation Group

The Riverine Rovers, who look after the Silvermine Wetlands, recently held a snake education morning for the Working for Water team that works here, and for the River Monitors of the Wetlands and the Sun Valley Eco Watch.

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Cape Town Metro Snake Survey – please respond online (no personal details needed) before 1 Nov 2013

If you live in Cape Town, have an interest in or fear of snakes or if you have encountered one, please fill in Grant Smith's survey.

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