Posts tagged "Akim Riemer"

Green Guerrillas grow Tagetes patula on Fish Hoek High School embankment

"We hold the true vision, it is whole and it is strong. Ours is not a counter-vision; we cannot be matched or overshadowed-expect explosions of colour..."

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Flash Mob Farmer Market this Friday with Green Guerrillas

Our food is grown with bio-dynamic principles, working with nature and all her little friends-by companion planting

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Garden in traffic circle in Fish Hoek grown by Akim Riemer of Green Guerrillas

I have watched with delight the garden growing in the traffic circle on Recreation Rd in Fish Hoek. The spinach is growing better than the carefully tended lot in my garden – mine is holey and not worth picking! So […]

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Beautiful images of calf being born on Green Guerrilla farm

Akim Riemer of Green Guerrilla farm has a new addition to his farm family. He caught the special event on camera…            

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