INDIGENOUS PLANTS FOR THE SCENIC SOUTH (Adapted from SA Biodiversity Institute plant list)
A healthy and thriving fynbos garden is not just waterwise and an investment in local biodiversity. It is a wildlife adventure right outside your front door. Amongst the lizards, Leopard Toads, Cape Sugar birds and Co, you could be hosting your own `Big Five’!!! The Good Hope Nursery near Cape Point has the following tips on how to plant and look after newly acquired indigenous plants.
Dig a hole 2 x depth & 2 x width of planting bag and before planting, fill with water before mixing compost, soil and fertilizer in the hole.
Water fynbos plants 3x a week through the summer months until well established.
Prune fynbos shrubs, including Proteas and Ericas after flowering, to improve shape, increase bud size & remove dead wood.
Mulch as much of the garden as possible to a depth about 5cm.
- Take special care when planting small plants out from trays or 6pks during summer – they may need daily watering for a month or two.
Use compost or fertilizer when planting Proteas. If you use compost don’t use too much. It’s best to feed them with seaweed-derived fertilizer.
Dig the soil over and around your Proteas or Ericas – their roots are very sensitive to disturbance.
Use inorganic poisons in your garden. Rather plant a wide variety of indigenous species and allow nature to establish a balance.
Plant edible bulbs if you have porcupines in your area.
- Be too conservative or impatient. Unless you know what indigenous plants grow well in your area, some experimentation is likely to see what grows well in your particular microclimate. A fynbos garden takes around 3 years to establish.
See the plant list below of indigenous plants recommended for the Scenic South. PLEASE SEND US YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS, with photos if possible so that we can grow the recommended list and share our knowledge. NOTE: The GREEN BOXES below show plants locally available at Good Hope Nursery., while YELLOW BOXES show plants that are seasonally available.
GREEN BOXES show plants locally available at Good Hope Nursery. YELLOW BOXES show plants seasonally available at Good Hope Nursery
Botanical name |
Common name |
Description / Uses |
Anisodentea scabrosa |
Wild Hibiscus |
Upright shrub to 2m, pink flowers in masses all year around. Growth rate medium. |
Artotis auriculata |
Gousblom |
Fast growing, drought resistant ground cover, leaves are green grey silvery, flowers are yellow/pink in Spring & early Summer. |
Arctotis stoechadifolia |
Witgousblom |
Groundcover. Grey- green leaves, flowers mixed colours in Spring & early Summer. |
Arctotis spp |
Gousbom |
Fast growing, spreading groundcover, grey-green foliage 300m, flowers mixed colours. |
Acmadenia heterophylla |
Acmedenia |
Medium growing, spreading. Bright pink flowers in autumn, suitable for rockeries, 0.7m likes full sun. |
Agathosma ovata |
False Buchu |
Used in making buchu brandy. Can be added to potpourris. White/ mauve flowers in summer. Growth rate medium. |
Chironia baccifera |
Christmas Berries |
Fast growing, low rounded bush with soft fresh green foliage. The plant is used to purify the blood, treat acne, skin disease and boils. Growth rate fast. Pink flowers in Summer |
Cliffortia ferruginea |
Glastee |
Hardy evergreen flat groundcover with attractive small green foliage. Yellow- green flowers in winter. Growth rate medium. |
Carpobrotus edulis |
Sourfig |
Succulents with long trailing prostrate stems, long fleshy leaves, edible fruit when ripe. Drought resistant. Yellow flowers all year round. |
Carpobrotus acinaciformis |
Sour Fig |
Hardy succulent with long creeping stems& mauve flowers in spring & early summer. Llong fleshy leaves, edible fruit when ripe. Suurvy konfyt traditional recipe. Drought resistant. Used as fire break. |
Cotyledon arbiculata |
Pig’s Ear |
Branched succulent plant up to 1m tall. Green greyish foliage with robust orange red flowers. Growth rate medium. |
Chironia baccifera |
Christmas Berries |
Soft fresh green foliage, low rounded bush. Pink flowers in Summer. The plant is used to purify the blood, treat acne, skin disease and boils. |
Dymondia margaretea |
Silver carpet |
Fast, low growing grey foliage, yellow daisies in early summer. Perfect between stepping stones |
Felicia amelloides |
Wilde Aster |
Compact, neat rounded bush with daisy flowers all year round, grows to 500mm |
Felicia filifolia |
Draaibossie |
Fast growing hardy, covered with showy deep purple to white flowers for long period, grow to 600mm |
Gazania rigens |
Yellow Gazania |
Grey green foliage, with bright yellow flowers in Summer. Growth rate medium. Groundcover. |
Geranium incanum |
Carpet Geranuim |
Delicate Lacy-leaved spreading groundcover. Mauve or white flowers in Spring. Plant can be brewed to expel worms in people and animals and should be drunk like a tea. Growth rate medium. |
Helichrysum cymosum |
Everlasting |
A fast growing, hardy grey leafed groundcover with yellow flowers in summer, cover from mm. |
Helichrysum petiolare |
Kooigoed |
The scented foliage was used as bedding and also dried and burned to chase evil spirits away. Cream flowers in early summer. Growth rate medium. |
Lampranthus roseu |
Vygie |
Riot of colour apricot flowers in spring. Small fleshy foliage, hardy and draught resistant. Fast growing. |
Limonium perigrinum |
Sea Lavender |
Very hardy. Leathery foliage, pink clusters of papery flowers covers 0.3m and up to 0.6m tall. Growth rate medium. |
Orphium frutescens |
Orphium |
Fast growing erect 0.5m shrub with narrow leathery green foliage, grows well in full sun, great effect when planted in groups. Pink flowers in Summer. |
Osteospermum jucundum |
Bergbietou |
Dark opposite leaves purple flowers during spring. Growth rate medium. |
Pelargonium capitatum |
Rose-scented pelargonium |
Hairy plant, scented plant up to 0.4m tall with lobed leaves and attractive pink flowers in Spring. Used for its aromatic oils. Great to add to homemade jam, jelly and fruit purees. Growth rate medium. |
Pelargonium tomentosum |
Peppermint pelargonium |
A vigorous spreading perennial up to 0.5 with large velvety peppermint scented foliage and haze of small white flowers in spring and summer, for sun or semi shade. |
Pelargonium betulium |
Wilde Malva |
Showy rounded bush, with white to magenta flowers in spring. Grows to 0.3-0.5m tall. Growth rate medium. |
Salvia africana- caerulea |
Sage |
Small shrub mm. Flowers blue and white in Autumn. Foliage has small hairs. Growth rate medium. |
Stoebe plumosa |
Slangbos |
Entangled shrub with branches at right angles to stem, foliage minute, purple flowers mainly April to May but also in the spring. Fast growing. |
Selago corymbosa |
Bitterblombos |
Attractive, fast growing, small shrub with fine foliage. A ball of white flowers in Dec- May |
Scabiosa incisa |
Koringblommetjie |
Excellent fast growing groundcover, grows very low and holds the ground, forming thick carpet of small dark green foliage. New shoots root as branches spread. In spring the carpet turns mauve with mass of flowers. Flowering stems about 40cm high. Full sun / semi-shade |
GREEN BOXES show plants locally available at Good Hope Nursery. YELLOW BOXES show plants seasonally available at Good Hope Nursery
Botanical name |
Common name |
Description / Uses |
Athanasia |
Klaaslouwbos |
Fast growing shrub up to 800mm, likes to grow on the south slope. A ball of yellow flowers in Summer. |
Cliffotia odorata |
Wild grape |
Fast growing creeper with green flowers from Autumn to Spring. Used to treat animal wounds, skin infections, blister, abscesses, tick and insect bites. It can be given cows to prevent miscarriages. |
Coleonema album |
Confetti Bush |
Neat evergreen spreading shrub to 1.5m tall with feathery aromatic foliage, covered with miniature pink/ white starry flowers, hardy, container plant or low hedge. Growth rate medium. |
Chrysanthemoides incana |
Bietou |
Rambling groundcover shrub to 0.5-1m tall, grey foliage with lovely butter-yellow daisy flowers, January to December, withstands hot dry conditions, usually found growing on steep northern slopes good plants for coastal areas. Growth rate medium. |
Chondropetalum tectorum |
Cape Thatching Reed |
Erect attractive ornamental `grass’ plant, 2m in diameter, uptight, tuft form. Thin, dark green stems. New stems rise from centre of the plant each year, very attractive with neat black sheaths. Good feature plant. 1.5m tall. Sun. Growth rate medium. |
Erica versicolor |
Robust shrub with sticky tubular flowers, red base and greenish-white tip. Attracts sunbirds. Good cut flower. Strong grower. |
Elegia capensis |
Fountain Reed |
Fast growing, large ornamental feature-plant. Produces a clump of tall (1.5 – 2m) erect strongly growing stems with evenly spaced whorls of foliage that result in a horsetail effect. One of the most beautiful species for the garden, moist areas, full sun or semi-shade. |
Leonutus leonurus |
Wild Dagga |
Vigorous, erect plant, 1-2 m. Orange flowers in Summer or Autumn. Attracts birds. The foliage or roots are widely used t remedy snake bites and other bites and stings |
Leonutus ocymifolia |
Klippdagga |
Fast growing herbaceous shrub, velvety bright orange or white flowers in pom-pom like cluster. Attracts sunbirds. Cut back before next season. |
Metalasia muricata |
Blombos |
Fast growing, hardy fine leaved shrub grows to 1-1.5m tall. Dusty white foliage in winter ideal for sandy conditions |
Melianthus major |
Touch–me-not |
Deep blue –green foliage with rusty red flowers in Winter or Spring. Good accent plant grows to 1-1.5m tall. Growth rate medium. |
Phylica buxifolia |
Box hard-leaf |
Compact rounded evergreen shrub or small tree (2-3m), very wind-resistant, tidy foliage, dense clusters of white flowers in early winter. Growth rate medium. |
Ischyrolepis subverticillata |
Besemriet |
1.5m in diameter, finely branched, 0.9m tall, dark green foliage. Suitable for planting in groups or as accent plant, full sun or semi-shade. Growth rate medium. |
Podalyria calyptrata |
Sweet Pea Bush |
Shrub or small tree too 3m, scented lilac flowers in spring, easy and fast growing. Attracts beautiful, black and yellow carpenter bees. |
Polygala myrtifolia |
September Bush |
Attractive erect shrub, up to 2m. Mauve flowers in winter or spring. Hardy and self seeding. Growth rate medium. |
Polygala virgata |
Purple Broom |
Erect shrub, up to 2m. Purple flowers in winter & spring. Growth rate medium. |
Salvia africana – Lutea |
Golden Sage |
Attractive hardy scented green grey 1.2m shrub. Makes an excellent tea for coughs, colds, bronchitis, lactation and asthma. Rich orange brown flowers in Autumn. |
Salvia chamelaeagnea |
Blou-blommetjiesalie |
A fairly fast growing much branched shrub up to 1.5m with soft light green leaves. Blue & white flowers in Autumn. Used as a culinary herb. |
Rhus crenata |
Dune Crow-berry |
Attractive hardy medium-large bushy bright green up to 3m. Dense shrub can be used as a hedge/ screen plant. Forms sweet scented creamy flowers and small red fruits are loved by birds. Growth rate medium. |
Thamnochortus insignis |
Albertina thatching Reed |
Very attractive ornamental plant up to 1.5-2m tall. Can be used in a lawn with rocks around it, in rockeries and open beds, beautiful pot plant. Growth rate medium. |
GREEN BOXES show plants locally available at Good Hope Nursery. YELLOW BOXES show plants seasonally available at Good Hope Nursery
Botanical name |
Common name |
Description / Uses |
Agapanthus africanus |
Agapanthus |
Hardy bulb. Ball shaped cluster of blue flowers on tall stalks (0.5) with long strap like green leaves. |
Agapanthus praecox |
Agapanthus |
Hardy evergreen bulb with leathery leaves, large blue flower heads, 0.6m tall. |
Aristea major |
Aristea |
Forms large clumps of long strappy-leaves, it has star shaped bright blue flowers that are borne on 1.5 spikes. Growth rate medium. |
Chasmanthe floribuda |
Vigorous bulb. Orange flower in winter-spring time, attracts birds. Attractive seeds. Growth rate medium. |
Kniphofia praecox |
Red-hot-Poker |
Striking red or yellow flowers are carried on long stalks. The foliage is long and light green. Attracts sunbirds. |
Zantedescia aethiopica |
Arum Lily |
Likes damp areas, vigorous up to 0.4-1, but can be deciduous in dry gardens. Large white flowers in Winter or Spring. The leaf is soothing for burns and insect bites. Draws infection from sores and boils. Place washed and warmed leaf over sore. |
GREEN BOXES show plants locally available at Good Hope Nursery.
Botanical name |
Common name |
Description / Uses |
Aloe arborescens |
Krantz Aloe |
Common Aloe 1-1.5m tall, used medicinally for acne, treats wounds and constipation. Red and yellow flowers in Winter. |
Aloe ferox |
Bitter Aloe |
Up to 1-4m tall. Thick dark green leaves with spikes along the margin. Flowers bright orange-red on a showy candlestick like inflorescence in Winter or Spring. Has many cosmetic & health uses. |
GREEN BOXES show plants locally available at Good Hope Nursery. YELLOW BOXES show plants seasonally available at Good Hope Nursery
Botanical name |
Common name |
Description / Uses |
Protea neriifolia |
Oleander-leaf Protea |
Large shrub 1-2m, narrowly oblong bright leaves, large oblong pink-red flowers with white beard in late winter flowers. Good cut flower, tolerant to a wide range of soils. Growth rate medium. |
Protea repens |
Sugar Bush |
A tough bushy shrub up to 2.5m with white or pink flowers in late winter. Nectar in flower heads attracts birds esp. Cape Sugarbird. Good cut flower. Growth rate medium. |
Leucospermum cordifolium |
Pincushion |
Orange flowers in early summer, very attractive 1-1.5 shrub. Good cut flower. Growth rate medium. |
Leucospermum oleifolium |
Overberg pincushion |
Compact shrub up to 1m. Flower head open, yellow becoming crimson with age, good cut flower. Growth rate medium. |
Leucadendron argenteum |
Silver Tree |
Ornamental tree with large light reflecting silver leaves up to 4-8m, wind resistant. Used in flower arrangements. Yellow flowers in Spring. |